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🗼💨 The Line Blaster or the Column Blaster?

Crazy Cat Lad
Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
edited January 2022 in Discussions

Which of these Boosters would you choose if you only had these two to choose from in the game?

The Line Blaster or the Column Blaster?

Vote and comment how you feel about the choice!

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🗼💨 The Line Blaster or the Column Blaster? 37 votes

Line Blaster
Crazy Cat LadPummyRajbearwithmeNat09siti_payungNenikapakiDieOmimime6412Cats4CazcarmenechevarriaPrincess_JessicaLynitndaozCassDrascallycatMoh1977Racoon7DaniTheOGKCullen127Angel_Natasha 23 votes
Column Blaster
Lady_ChooLynettehopengod2Peanut7139SabrinaMLINDARAZOR1BQN537MiladyRLa Leyteresawallace44[Deleted User]rebelchildJoJo75durhamNanda1973 14 votes


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