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Player ID list

Lady_Choo Posts: 24,481 Pet Rescue Moderator

Good evening Rescuers.

If you cannot beat them, join them, so the saying goes. It seems to be general consensus its easier to store player IDs now so that we can get rewards to you quicker.

I know some of you have them in your signature, but we thought we might as well have a record then it saves repeatedly asking. And us a lot of searching through past events lol.

So if you don't mind, please could you comment with your player ID and we can take note of it so we don't need to keep asking ๐Ÿ˜

If you don't know how to find it, you can read about it here

@aijaziqbalย ย @ALIXKATERINEย @Amethyst_Foxย @Amoonmoonย @Angel_Natashaย @Angel1207ย @ashleysneed14ย @bearwithmeย @bekicrusherย @betchiegrl29ย @Boybinaryย @BQN537ย @brandyw78ย @BubbleGumSodaย @candycrushinitย @CarlaPouzache43ย @carmenechevarriaย @CassDย @CristianFitzย @DawnieCย @DGenevieveย @DieOmimiย @eightmilenkcย @EnergizerBunnyย @EOTheGr8ย @Federico457ย @Gabrian_Diazย @Gisa77ย @Glenn1972ย @goofygoodyย @GrammaGamingย @Havishย @hechicerillaย @helronย @hermindย @istuffย @jeanpsย @Jelly_bean_heartsย @johamiltonย @JoJo75durhamย @Joost_Theunisย @jpellegrย @Julie_Andrewsย @justme0252ย @juttyย @jbmv22ย @KCullen127ย @Kenki23ย @kgarnett44ย @kiara_waelย @Kiki_gย @Kimrrย @KingsDaughter14ย @kraljicamajkaย @ksiย @La Leyย @LadyGaivmanย @Lady_Sarinaย @lanerae22ย @LeFlarcaneย @lelenspย @Lemurtekย @Lisal6715ย @littlemissmim08ย @LoveDachsย @Lynetteย @maf34100ย @Magic_Mixerย @me6412ย @melamieย @mil9ย @MiladyRย @mimibrandiย @Moh1977ย @MountainMomย @Nat09ย @ndaozย @Nenikapakiย @Nico_Gย @NIKI5326ย @Palash_Sarmaย @Peanut7139ย @Pitty_Kittyย @pratimadangolย @Princess_Jessicaย @PummyRajย @Rache79ย @Racoon7ย @Randabanda78ย @rascallycatย @rascalsmomย @rebelchildย @rosemariepahayo1ย @SabrinaMย @Sereniย @Shagunproย @Sheryl_Thompsonย @siti_payungย @Slurpyย @Stefan_Bย @Sukanta_Biswasย @SUZANCEย @tabby33ย @tashanight3ย @teeweipingย @teresawallace44ย @Terri_1ย ย @tiff411111ย @tkbm7872ย @Toune_PGย @tratelqalamย @tsaytdsย @tynat03ย @Vladislav777ย @Warriorcatsloverย @Wendiewย @wessan12ย @wykoonย @Xxanderย @zainab786



Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?