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It's time for another contest, and this time it's a 'spot the difference' between two pictures.
There are 12 differences between the two pictures below, please use the spoiler to answer.
Here is the original picture:
...and here there are differences
👁️👁️ Look closely and tell me what has changed, in the comments below (using the spoiler)
Five random players who have all 12 differences correct will each win 20 gold bars to use in Pet Rescue Saga 💰️
This contest will run until 16th March 09:00 CET
Happy spotting everyone!
Thank you to @PummyRaj for editing the pictures ❤️
Tagging all Pet players to come and join in the fun 😊
@aijaziqbal @ALIXKATERINE @Amethyst_Fox @Amoonmoon @Angel_Natasha @Angel1207 @ashleysneed14 @bearwithme @bekicrusher @betchiegrl29 @Boybinary @BQN537 @brandyw78 @BubbleGumSoda @candycrushinit @CarlaPouzache43 @carmenechevarria @CassD @CristianFitz @DawnieC @DGenevieve @DieOmimi @eightmilenkc @EnergizerBunny @EOTheGr8 @Federico457 @Gabrian_Diaz @Gisa77 @Glenn1972 @goofygoody @GrammaGaming @Havish @hechicerilla @helron @hermind @istuff @jeanps @Jelly_bean_hearts @johamilton @JoJo75durham @Joost_Theunis @jpellegr @Julie_Andrews @justme0252 @jutty @jbmv22 @KCullen127 @Kenki23 @kgarnett44 @kiara_wael @Kiki_g @Kimrr @KingsDaughter14 @kraljicamajka @ksi @LadyGaivman @Lady_Sarina @lanerae22 @LeFlarcane @lelensp @Lemurtek @Lisal6715 @lisamo @littlemissmim08 @LoveDachs @maf34100 @Magic_Mixer @me6412 @melamie @mil9 @MiladyR @mimibrandi @Moh1977 @MountainMom @Nat09 @ndaoz @Nenikapaki @Nico_G @NIKI5326 @Palash_Sarma @Peanut7139 @Pitty_Kitty @pratimadangol @Princess_Jessica @PummyRaj @Rache79 @Racoon7 @Randabanda78 @rascallycat @rascalsmom @rebelchild @rosemariepahayo1 @SabrinaM @Sereni @Shagunpro @Sheryl_Thompson @siti_payung @Slurpy @Stefan_B @Sukanta_Biswas @SUZANCE @tabby33 @Tamara73 @tashanight3 @teeweiping @teresawallace44 @Terri_1 @tiff411111 @tkbm7872 @Toune_PG @tratelqalam @tsaytds @tynat03 @Vladislav777 @Warriorcatslover @Wendiew @wessan12 @wykoon @Xxander @zainab786
Greetings Lynette, Thanks for the contest!
carrot pic, 2. cloud, 3. pineapple stand, 4. brown dog, 5. green to red jam, 6.blue cat, 7. white to pink flower, 8. red hole, 9. blue flower, 10. pink to yellow flower, 11. bee on flower, 12. 2nd bee
1) cloud 2) brown dog 3) blue cat 4) interior color sandwiches 5) bee 6) yellow and pink flower 7) bee in flower 8) white and yellow flower 9) blue flower 10) strawberry 11) fruits and flowers on stand 12) pineapple stand
Please remove from your tagging list.
carrot pic above puppy with guitar 2. Kitty has puppy next to it 3. Small cloud next to larger cloud 4. Green to red Jelly in sandwich 5. Four blue tulips 6. Bumble bee on flower 7. Pink daisy to white daisy. 8. small pineapple stand near buildings 9. Bumble bee on veggy in veggy stand. 10. Little bluish flower on flag 11. white to yellow flower 12. Red hole on strawberry.
This is fun!