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Not really. It is not a balance of too easy/too hard. If people don't want to use the boosters, they don't have to. It is a choice.
It's just disappointing to have such a great game go down the tubes. They keep taking things away, one by one.
Artwork, people I actually KNOW on my friend's list, the unprofessionalism of just releasing garbage (petopia) so they can say they released it, poorly run, advertisements/boosters.
Have you gone to google play and seen the reviews? The last 50 or so is all I scanned, people are not happy.
I am a nurse. If I did my job as PRS does theirs, I'd kill someone. At least nothing of serious value is at stake here, you know?
There are tons and tons of games out there, moving on is not going to be difficult. But you ladies do a great job, too bad you aren't running the whole show!
I think they should let @Lynette at the studio, she would have it running properly!
I will of course pass your feedback over to our community manager to let the studio hear.
I am glad you do your job better. Admiration to you, nursing is not an easy job especially during pandemics . Thank you more importantly for all you have done 🤗
Thanks for your feedback @Bipley
I've also been an avid fan and played for 11 years. I am lucky that I have rarely had problems with my game and did not experience much except game freezing (re-loading fixed each time) during the recent Petopia.
But even I have considered stopping playing recently. For me it's partly the inconsistency of the levels and how former 'game rules' no longer seem to apply.
Examples of this are the board moving backwards as blocks fall, solid items no longer being solid (Pets can pass through things they previously could not) and items like bombs no longer being counted as possible move (so the game ends prematurely) 😕
It is also heartbreaking trying to help players here and in facebook groups when there is nothing I can advise to fix their games!
I think, at the moment, Pet Rescue Saga is an open ended game as new episodes are released evey Monday 😸
King has sucked all the enjoyment out of this game. I have deleted it from my phone, how do I delete this account? I want NOTHING in the world to do with King ever again. They *Edited by CM: Hold on a bit!
I will never play another king game. They wait until you are totally invested it in, played thousands of levels, then they suck all the enjoyment out of it. I'm over it. I want this account closed, too.
How do I do that?
*Edited by CM: Hold on a bit! Please remember to be sweet and kind - Our House Rules