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Where are you playing during the Holiday Season? (finished)

Crazy Cat Lad
Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
edited January 2020 in Contests

Happy Holidays everyone! We wish you a joyful, petriffic, fun and relaxing Holiday Season, but we hope that you won't forget to rescue all the pets and clear the blocks during the Holidays. 

The Pets want to know where you are playing during the Holidays!
 Share the place where you rescue the pets and also why you love playing Pet Rescue Saga here below.

All players that share their story will get a Pet Rescue Holiday badge here in Community and ten randomly picked players will also get 10 Gold Bars on the 7th January! 

You have until Tuesday 7 January 2020 09:00 CET to participate and the Terms and Conditions are right here.

Do not have a Community account yet? 
Then sign up right here to participate!  


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,317
    I will tagging active Pet Rescue Players if I remember who has playing Pet Rescue Saga : 
    @BQN537, @kiara_wael, @lynette and @PummyRaj

    What do you think this game and share? 

    Good luck! Everyone! 👍
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,947
    Well I do the majority of my pet rescuing from San Antonio, Texas and I love playing Pet Rescue Saga because I love all animals and definitely don't want to see any poor pets locked up in cages, especially during the holidays - so I like to free them if I can.😊🤗🐨
  • RobinCorte
    RobinCorte Posts: 2,264
    i'm playing at home and i love rescuing animals 🥰🤩
  • RobinCorte
    RobinCorte Posts: 2,264
    @bearwithme get you badge...
    @Lim please don't forget i play all the king games ... and i want to collect all the badges for my profile
  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,894
    Morning @Lim thanks for the tag here are a few more players I think play  pet rescue @mysticalmysty @Nat09 @gr33n3y3z @Foley1362 @wafercookieflippers  
    I play pet rescue from he Central Coast Australia near Sydney I have been playing pet rescue forever really love all the games and you get so many boosters there’s always something going on the pets are so adorable and like @bearwithme I hate having pets locked in cages so free them all and that’s what pet rescue does 
    Thank You 👍🎄🐨
  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,269
    Thanks for tagging.
    I always spend the holidays at home. My siblings come to dinner and I play more than usual. I may start playing this game.

  • Thanks for the tag sweet friend @BQN537. I play pet rescue puzzle and I have played pet rescue saga in the past but it has been a long long that I would say that I don't play it anymore. Thanks for the contest though @Crazy Cat Lad . 🙂

    I am spending my holiday here in Wisconsin, USA with my rescue dogs, Iggy and Dixie. Our shelter here does a foster program over the holidays where they go live with a family or two for about a week so that the employees can get some time off. Then the dogs, cats, bunnies, and birds all get to have a home for Christmas. When you donate to the shelter, it goes to supporting those animals during the holidays. It's such a great program.

    Happy holidays everyone! 
  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928
    edited December 2019
    Hi @Crazy Cat Lad

    The Holiday Season in India depends on the place, race and religion. There is a one day holiday in India on the occasion of this session, which is only received by government employees. I'm not in that group but I get vacation every year.😝 I'll rescue the pet's from home.😀 Since I can see the world sitting in front of a laptop, I do not have the thought of travel right now. Aw..You just tell me how many pet's I have to rescue? 🐼🐶🐼🐷
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