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parlady99 Level 3


  • As you can see, you have been saying this for quite a long time and yet, still no ads for boosters or extra moves. Will we ever get ads for help? Don't keep saying the same thing you have been saying for years.
  • I have been playing for years. I have never had ads to view for rewards, Why don't I have the option to get ads for rewards? Why some players and not others.
  • I have been playing for years. Why don't I have the option to watch ads for rewards.
  • Totally agree with what you said. It seems only those with boosters or extra moves get to complete a level in a reasonable amount of tries. The rest of us get stuck on a level for days and many, many tries waiting for that lucky board. It would be nice if King would listen and bring back the fun that was there many levels…
  • You are so right about 15040 being a dozey. Can't believe it is not marked Nightmarish. Totally impossible as you said since new blockers keep falling to block the path. I have 10 gold bars and will have to wait until I get lots of bonus moves. I don't have enough boosters to help me so this level might be the end for me.…
  • Dopje, you hit the nail on the head when you said that level after level are pretty much impossible without boosters. It is a shame that King has forgotten what the game was about and just makes levels that have taken the fun and interest out of the game. I am hanging in till I run out of gold bars which will be soon since…
    in 15037 ?? Comment by parlady99 April 5
  • As mentioned by others, level 15034 is one of the worst level because it is impossible to get purple candies. Also, definitely not enough moves to even have a chance to get purple candies to appear.. I can't imagine passing it without boosters or extra moves. We don't mind a challenge but at least give us a chance. So…
    in LEVEL 15034 Comment by parlady99 April 5
  • I know as we go further we expect some harder levels but there are so many that need boosters and extra moves that it has become laughable. I have also stopped recommending Candy Crush and many if my fellow have quit because King has taken all the enjoyment out of the game. I am hanging in there but not sure for how much…
  • Thanks for the good luck. I sure need it. I do have a question for you. What videos are you referring to that I could get hammers and hands? Also, I see on videos that some people have lots of party poppers. Any idea on how to get party poppers without having to buy them? Again, thanks for your encouragement.
  • Great post especially the last part !!! I was excited about getting past 15000 and immediately felt the gut punch of 15002. No wonder so many people have quit when they got to 15000. I am going to try to stay in for a while and see if I get that lucky board to pass; but who know how long.
  • For those stuck, hang in there. After 7 days and too many tries to count, I finally got the lucky board and passed this level without boosters. So it can be done. I thought that was the end of crush for me but that lucky board came along. Sure hope the next level is better.
  • Nirodus, I don't know if you have passed by now; but I am right there with you. I have been stuck on this level going on 5 days and too many tries to count. If King had not taken moves away from an earlier verison, we might have a chance. This level cannot be done without boosters or extra moves; but since I don't have…
  • Now on day 3 of level 14995 and way to many times played to count, still no luck. Needs more moves but out of gold bars. King needs to add back the moves they removed from the original board. Way too hard with the less moves. Need a lucky board.
  • Still on level 14995 and don't see any path to pass without boosters or extra moves, which I don't have. I have come close and a few more moves would do it but I don't have any gold bars. King could help if they gave back the number of moves they took away. Either that give us more ways to win gold bars. And I will bet it…
  • Any ideas on how to pass this level. I am out of boosters and gold bars. Definitely not enough moves to pass.
  • All videos show using boosters or extra moves to pass. Just keep playing and wait for that lucky board. That is what I am doing since I will not pay to pass.
  • Update. After many days and too many attempts to count, I finally got a lucky board and was able to pass. Now I am on level 14995 and am stuck in the same situation. Hopefully a lucky board will be in my future.
  • dopje, I am still working on level 14983 and not even coming close.. If I knew it could be solved without boosters, that would ease my mind; but haven't seen it yet. If King has done it without boosters that would be great and we would love to see it.
    in 14983 ?? Comment by parlady99 March 24
  • I just started on that level but I see where you are coming from. Either lots of boosters or extra moves will be needed. I never thought I would say this but King has taken all the fun out of playing with so many levels needing boosters or extra moves.
    in 14983 ?? Comment by parlady99 March 23
  • Now that I have played this level many, many times, I see why others think it is impossible without boosters or extra moves. If anyone has completed it without help, we would love to know about it. I have seen many videos that show it passed; but with many boosters. I also wonder if anyone from King did it without help.…
    in 14890 Comment by parlady99 March 23

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