Star Counter Won't Update
I just collected the 15/15 stars on the map, but it will not convert to Fair Dust. When I click on Stella's house, where there is an exclamation mark, nothing happens.
Add a 500 point Treasure Chest to Soda Squad
Its a looooong stretch between reaching the 320 point prize and the 800 point prize. Please add another treasure chest of boosters at 500 points!
☔ What happened to Candy Town? ☔
Hello Community! I just got my internet service back after two weeks, and of course I had to run updates for Candy Crush Soda Saga. When I first launched the game after the update I was at first ecstatic to see that after two years, I finally got back Quests! This joy was short lived however, as soon as I completed a…
⛙🚘Please Give Notice When Conversations Are Merged, To Help Avoid Confusion ⛙🚘
When conversations are merged together, it would be helpful to have a notation at the end of the merged post saying "This Conversation Was Merged From Another Discussion" (and perhaps add the name of said discussion). When topics are unexpectly merged together it creates confusion because the conversations are no longer…
Can't receive prizes from winning Weekly Contest
I won the Weekly Contest for the week ending in 2/23/20, but I never received my prizes. I tried logging on several times last night after the time winners normally receive their prizes (7:00 PM EST), but did not get them. I believe the reason why is because my map is bugged; the background is wrong and the Soda Teams,…
🥤Create a way for former Soda Team members to re-join their old Team please!🥤
I had recently joined the Superstars Soda Team, when I was accidentally kicked from the team 😱 I was not recognized because my name appeared under my real name instead of my user name (LizzyLemondrop). @Xarly personally contacted me and let me know of the mistake and tried to have me re-apply for the team. Unfortunately,…
Holiday Bubblegum Hill
I really like the Egg Hunt Hill edition of Bubblegum Hill. The different backgrounds and costumed Bubblegum Troll are cute, and the additional days to play make it even more fun. I think it would be great if we could have a Holiday themed Bubblegum Hill for other holidays as well. In particular, I thought Halloween would…
Store Extra Lives
I don't know if this Idea has been mentioned before. The Ask for Lives feature has not been working properly for some time. At times you are lucky to receive one life all day, and other times you receive five at once when you may only need two in order to fill your max lives back up. You end up collecting all five of these…