Disappearing Levels
I recently played levels 5431-5450. These levels have now disappeared and my last completed level is 5430. I was roaming when I played these levels (assume this shouldn't be a problem)
Game not loading
This is BW2. The game loads until 73% then crashes. This has happened before and I had to reinstall the game . So im just checking, if i need to do this, I'm going to loose all my boosters(again).
Special offer won't disappear
My latest Special Offer has expired but everytime I go to paly I get a reminder of Last Chance. Trirs usual problem solvers.
Fairy Dash problem
I've just started a new chapter and so have a new Fairy Dash. The problem is 2 players have already completed the dash. So I have no chance. This is not the first time this has happened.
Uninstalling BW Games
Due to a problem with my phone i had to uninstall BW2 and of course I lost all my boosters, which I had a lot. Isn't it time these boosters are stored offline like level progress and bubble count. This would help out everyone in this position so they don't loose their boosters.
BW2 not loading
Immediately after the latest update the game won't load. It gets to 73% then crashes. This is for BW2 android
Map not displaying properly
This refers to BW2. The map isn't showing the type of levels on the map e.g. animals,clear the top etc. Also I have a challenge of collecting star bubbles these levels should be glowing but they aren't. Screenshot attached .
Conjure Games Score not Updating
Once the internet connection issue was fixed. I had 156 points in Conjure Games. After passing some levels I noticed I was on the same score while the other players have increased their score.
BWS2 - Challenge Progress Bar
When I get a new challenge the progress bar is set to about 60% even though I haven't even started the challenge. It also never moves.