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In BWS2 al my messages are gone and don’t get new messages!



  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,259

    Hi guys this has been raised again I am just awaiting feedback in the meantime you could read through what helped others and you may wont to follow 👍⭐

  • jane2mcmahon
    jane2mcmahon Posts: 11

    Level 2

    edited January 2021

    This morning, I had my friends. At 1 pm, I’m back to Facebook “friends” for no identifiable reason. Uninstalling is no guarantee of anything. I am not connected to FB and the names are from years ago. This is the result of action at the games end - I wish they’d leave it alone and let me remain separated from Facebook in peace.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,259

    Hi @jane2mcmahon sorry to hear that it's a little confusing though as if you are not linked in anyway to Facebook then I don't understand how this could happen

    Try logging out of the game and turn your device off and on let's see if it corrects this for you 👍

  • scrfta
    scrfta Posts: 9

    Level 2

    I fail to understand why this problem is somehow being linked to something Facebook has done or changed. I have been playing BW2 for quite a few years now along with a couple of other games but not once ever have I connected anything to Facebook. I am one of those extremely rare people that doesn't even use Facebook. From the very first game I installed I have used an account that I created with king to save my progress and ask for lives etc.

    Facebook has never been connected to any of my games at all, this is obviously a developer issue, not a problem with some external source.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,259

    Hi @scrfta no we are already aware that not all of these issues Facebook related 👍🙂

  • Carms21
    Carms21 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Any news when this is going to be fixed

  • Colin_Kebbell
    Colin_Kebbell Posts: 47

    Level 3

    Hi, just to keep you updated on my particular issues, friends have been gradually creeping back and I am now up to 50+ but these are not the friends I had before, totally different set. I have been getting challenges again for a week or so but still no new levels. I have completed level 4330 but it has been like that for a couple of months now. Has anyone here seen levels beyond that? None of the "friends" have reached this level yet although a couple of them are not far off.

  • Catherina
    Catherina Posts: 9

    Level 2

    All my messages are gone. Not Nice playing again. Ons month ago the same happened. Please fix this problem.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,259

    Hi guys I did raise these issues again and have now received some feedback

    Unfortunately these issues will still take a bit longer to fix

    In the meantime keep checking for any updates and log out of the game and turn your device off and on periodical

    I am sure you will soon start to see things get back to normal 👍

  • jane2mcmahon
    jane2mcmahon Posts: 11

    Level 2

    @PrettyBubbles, I tried logging out, shutting down, restarting, and logging back in. I now have even more Facebook players on the list - people I was never friends with at any time. I submitted a support ticket, got no response, and then got a “how did we do” evaluation email. Zero stars wasn’t an option, but that’s what it deserved.

    King broke this, so it shouldn’t be a mystery to fix it.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?