Today is National Mother Goose Day!

National Mother Goose Day on May 1st each year honors Mother Goose and the imaginary author of a collection of fairy tales and nursery rhymes we loved as children. Mother Goose is often illustrated as an elderly countrywoman in a tall hat and shawl, but she is also sometimes depicted as a goose wearing a bonnet.
In honor of this day, I have created The story of Mother Goose where Tiffi learns more about these nursery rhymes. I hope that you enjoy the story.
HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalMotherGooseDay
In honor of the day, revisit those wonderful childhood stories with your children. Share your favorite Mother Goose story using #NationalMotherGooseDay on social media.
Who wants to share some childhood nursery rhymes? It doesn’t have to be just that because if you can find memes or animated gifs referring to Mother Goose or the nursery rhymes I’d love to hear from all of you.
***For those of you who learned nursery rhymes in your mother tongue, how about you post them in your language here? I'd love to have many people post their favorite nursery rhyme, no matter what language you learned it.***
I'm going to tag our @QueenMia even though she's not in the community today to ask her if she remembers this nursery rhyme.
Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines, Sonnez les matines,
Ding, Ding, Dong! Ding, Ding, Dong!
It brings me back to my childhood and I can't remember why we learned it in French and not in English but I remember reciting it a long, long time ago.
This is the English version of it:
Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John, Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing,
Ding, Ding, Dong! Ding, Ding, Dong!
@Nat09 have you ever heard of the French version since you are the French Ambassador?
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Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Pat it and prick it and mark it with “B”,
Put it in the oven for baby and me.
Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Roll it up, roll it up;
And throw it in a pan!
Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man.
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Tagging some players to this discussion
@Yosca, @Jasmina, @Fakhri, @ArmyArms, @Miss_Dani, @Sofia1992, @Julie_Andrews, @Elsa, @siti_payung, @Sukanta_Biswas, @christine88, @encantes, @DeepshikhaSharan, @Sharon_Loose, @Acv, @Sammyjo, @aijaziqbal, @hechicerilla, @teresawallace44, @Pitty_Kitty, @MightyWolf, @Elenna, @Tzvi_Marcu, @ElenaVorona, @fabke, @ChrisMiller, @wmrebulgurl68, @CerbeRus777, @quavo4, @crippso69, @ashleystump, @DawnieC, @arosefrog, @Myway2380, @kam1969, @lilmamachrislong34, @fiho2004, @kaosha_1981, @wabsy246, @dee0718, @ColorfulGoat, @LunaticLeah, @Liana_Centanaro, @DaniN68, @TWIZTID_ANGEL39, @Mendell, @Sameeksha3, @tameyh7, @Blueyes74, @sheenahill, @Carly_S, @QueenXavi, @feefee45, @Gumyupawpaw, @Walterk, @izakiara93, @Tasmeen, @reshma_2121, @Timhung, @Scorpio54, @TXWildflower, @GlenysB, @NERDY, @kay39, @mistyrowe42, @jenniferhagenbuch48, @laley, @chivaun83, @Ahmed3saeed, @BrendaY12, @Roary2020, @Mmmkingfan, @dananelle, @Angel1207, @CassD, @serviceste735, @Bookster, @bethanikrista, @Ray2hrd2plz504, @Priyacandy, @UnspoiledVirus13, @mmhopson, @mnm41, @pennyjerger0, @Anniemcmanus, @Andres-2, @nassiah04, @Tasty_Cake, @Niki_bg, @nguyenanhduy1591999, @dawndieck, @littlemissmim08, @lissiemae, @Kcbtyler, @Autofire, @sarma_palash57, @2much, @meemahh, @aguslicka, @legendarysaints, @santo_chris97, @PLAYER09, @AllisonTravis, @brenstar, @rebelchild, @evagill, @classie36, @David5023, @carodilo, @ffs, @istuff, @MandyP123, @Mad81, @anickol3, @carmenechevarria, @sandritis2, @heatherK1970, @cliffwillie87, @ACDW, @Stellar_Space_Cake, @jelly1957, @SweetHubert, @Lexi, @daniella82, @Lady_Choo, @queenugly, @D2V, @Glenn1972, @SabrinaM, @johamilton, @kiara_wael, @Werner_Cichy, @Nck, @Nat09, @bearwithme, @paul5473, @Crimson_Dawn, @candycrushinit, @gr33n3y3z, @PummyRaj, @Albert_Heinrich, @Byrd59, @tininha1975, @Ashraf, @Mary_Kay, @LoveDachs, @PrettyBubbles, @MountainMom, @RegalRenz, @Princess_lovely, @SBH, @Yorben_Goeree, @rajdeeptb, @Leslie_B, @Nix66, @NamTruong2001, @mercerik, @Anahita_2005, @ipete, @Origins7_Dale, @Loveth_NP, @BlueberryCupcake, @MollyS, @lemcbl, @Iffu2, @me6412, @Shilviya18, @Freddy_, @DieOmimi, @Cagnes, @cjay63, @Twi, @Mr_Peely, @Fluzzard, @NelaMezdrea, @Greymane, @larasofiasofia, @yonahselcy, @crabapple, @jeanps, @BubbleGumSoda, @bekicrusher, @Annwat, @Kezabelle3, @Deobella, @actipton80, @Jared_Buttry, @ejthomas1241985, @diogoveloso, @KENTFIELDER, @mill7, @Kelly_Mabry, @jokermel, @bsabrina69, @Slither, @Nwosu, @Allouna76, @Reuben6034, @maryjane117, @sinalco, @Manuel0501, @NikolaosProdromidis, @pearl_chetna, @starlighters101, @Princesskrazii, @kathead9876, @mjgeezy1973, @Efson, @Roha, @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e, @Loser9, @RichardR, @Sayo04, @nacona123, @Momma_Shute, @crisaniya, @batman27, @mcbrown, @alex6464, @DanniiLashes, @_Cheeky_, @42320, @The_King420, @15006, @TheresaArrington, @Kriss19xx, @Frecko, @BDuff, @whereishannaa, @CrashHyenaGamba, @Msuttell920, @LilyEvans, @KChalon, @Markeolynn_914 and @Morrow1
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More players
@1191970815 , @12tHstreet , @13monster , @21FurandFeatherPets , @2damthicc , @2muksu , @5878896038 , @9308230112086ML , @aajjtls , @AbiB , @AdamLeOldSport , @Adamsd1783 , @Adeboye , @adrinamadatyan , @afresh30 , @Aidinpm64 , @ajauld , @alacey , @Alami14121412fahad , @alanc12345 , @AleB , @aley319 , @Aliceanne_74 , @alleydoodle , @alotacrazy , @Altyrone7088 , @alwalter619 , @Amara1234 , @Ambtom , @Amy1284 , @Andie79 , @Angel_Eyes , @Angeleyes67 ,@Angy1969 , @anko_hh ,@ANNEKE-4 , @Annemieke54 , @annie165 , @april_bby23 , @Ardnasak , @arian90 @Ariane7950 , @ariel2021 , @ArriettyM , @astong , @Athena , @athena520 , @AuroraTheGoddess , @Avideh324 , @aweeks6969 , @ballcapghost , @barbmb , @barbscamaro , @Bathymaas ,@Beamy ,@bella1202 , @benswifey08 , @berns188 ,@berrybest1 , @Bershie1 , @bethanikrista , @betternetter , @Beverly825 , @Bevette , @bintz18 , @Blky2k , @BlueEyedBubble3 , @boojum99 , @bpretty55 , @bratts1234 , @Brenda84 , @BrendaY12 , @BrezBre85 , @bri_marie , @bridgetmassey , @Brownbug , @bryteyes44 ,@BubblificHeaven , @BULLDOG76 ,@bumblebee3 , @Bunnieofthemoon , @butterfly79 , @Buttersup ,@cabbiecomm ,@Cadams , @Cangho , @CapetownZA ,@CappyKC , @CarliA , @casey7 , @caseyfazel , @casperunicorn69 , @Cassy2012 , @Cathy1966 , @cece11282003 , @chancleta , @charal ,@Chayo19 , @Chele88 , @Chell0430 , @cherie1220 , @chimecinder , @Chms2000 , @chris60 . @chrismccracken68 , @chrystal7 , @Cimplime , @cindyballard @cindylouwitchypooh , @Cindyterry , @cinte , @CLKUHNS , @cmt , @cnichols52 , @Cobear3 , @colina , @Connerml , @conny_c , @CorkCork , @corndragon , @Countrygirl393 , @crazylagringa14 , @Cricket70 , @crystalbarker88 , @crysterry , @Cstoney78 , @cte32787 , @ctemae , @cvb1959 , @cyprusgal , @dakotagurl98 , @dana13dg , @danandmonicat , @DangerRanger , @daniEmmons77 , @DaniMiller77 , @DansBooBurr , @darknessangel40 , @daughterofanarchy , @davahotmail , @DeannaKgoswick ,@Debbie6364 ,@DebbieC89 , @debbievelie , @Debra_Akins @deckarda2 , @della803 , @dene ,@Deniseld , @devinboyd , @Diane_Calderbank , @Die_Ober_Hexe , @djbollo , @DJGHOST82 ,@donewthu2020 , @donna215 , @Donnaj123 , @Doodiebunk , @Doogie , @dranby , @DrGma_Stanley , @drvexaminer , @dtami , @DU123 , @Dusty , @edowens67 , @Eismieze , @Ejg21578 , @elianaramirez , @Elohelay , @eltigreataca ,@eman_mirza , @emerrpymail , @Emilie_Hook , @emily_kiko , @eppslisa617 , @eri19 , @erinleigh2020 , @Eva2810 , @Evarod9 , @eveholman ,@eyore2003 , @Faidz0452 , @farapafa , @farmer_giles ,@fattslim60 ,@feefee45 , @FeliciaVezina1 , @fernando6 , @fineanddandy , @Fonda_Smith , @freckled_shoulders , @FreddieB7 , @frejon , @frerub , @frogie ,@gabri94 , @gar16002 , @gardenbabycakes , @gatekeeper20 ,@George_Parfitt ,@Gi2 , @gianna16 , @Ginamay , @gingin74 , @gjkoras , @Gladys5d , @glenn1957 , @Glorybose , @gmverdi1976 , @gokalsudha , @gps2 , @Gullranka , @GumWah , @h59elmer , @happiness , @hargungagan ,@haucaz ,@Hayleys , @haynhumble07 ,@hcarswell , @hebod , @HelenaPires18 , @HidyBoo , @HoneyThief , @hotchoco26 ,@HubsouthGorilka , @Hutzelmann , @i2ikombat80 , @ibukunBalogun , @Idaholove77 , @iluvgames123 , @ImAnOutsider12 ,@indianoutlaw_winter , @inprocess97 , @IQueEN , @isaali58 , @itzyman , @ivypooh , @jacksen , @jamiedoolin1033 , @JamieW , @JanEbell , @janet29 , @jansplace , @Jasminrose , @jaweast, @Jayamal , @Jaydie , @jayjay229 , @jaylin , @jbidness , @jejo , @jenn_2001 , @jenney , @Jennnc34 , @jennycourt1 , @JForshee83 , @jimnena90 , @Jivetar , @jmh3X_1994 , @jnjtwo , @joansheng , @JodiC , @JoJo75durham , @jonesy350 , @JordensNaNa , @Jordibird , @JOSEPH16 , @josielu , @Joyously01 , @jrite , @JRN , @Junkpunchr , @jueng , @JujuHope76 , @junelady , @justapenny , @Justin_Burundi, @jwellslea , @jwhin18 , @kaleshia123 , @kaouther , @KateKate77331 , @kathyjavorich , @kathys321 , @Katiebug , @kavidaya ,@kaylcee , @kazidawg9 , @kbescb , @kbirdbird , @kdrocks , @KEITH_3 , @Kellie-2 , @Kellie3472 ,@KennyWilcher , @kerlouane , @KERRBEAR76 , @Ketzergon , @keywezzy , @Keztinsley101 , @Kiababy1212 , @kiapaulse , @kikimagoo , @Kim_Bozek , @kimmarie56 , @kims68 , @kk10 , @Knocksville , @Kricketsarekrunchy , @Kris0274 , @Kris19 , @KristyMarie92 , @Krzysiek88 , @ktmk ,@kweenb , @L_F_Perry , @laceymisawa , @LadyLei , @LADYSASHALYN , @Ladyt60 , @LadyThor , @lagags , @LAL66 , @lam1000 , @lanamsmith80 , @Laura_López , @Lauriea , @LDOgburn , @LDSPRO , @LeathaPhelps , @leener97 , @leheakins , @lengesath , @Lesley-6 , @Lh11965 ,@Libertyissocool , @lillieflower123 , @lilsexy69692 , @LilyPie @vkally , @linda1958webb , @LINDARAZOR1 , @Lipsey12 , @LisaMarie , @littleoldladywho , @ljmiller7 , @lmjmyhappiness , @Lol_N0 , @LoriMoore ,@lotus7806 , @Love56 , @Lovely2021 ,@Lrands102 , @LuaPavan , @Luchi1 ,@Lucia1511Aa , @Luna68 , @lunahouse , @lynncumbie , @LynnW2
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@mad_aisy , @Maff ,@Maggiej49 , @Magicorn , @mamasan87 , @Manager , @mandachas24 , @Margo_Holloway , @marian1963 , @marielag , @Mariesel , @Marijared , @mark35160 ,@marshwomyn , @Maryjc , @matius_abiroso , @maus0707 , @maybellie , @mbuntin , @mdn1 , @meanesspam , @megashark , @Melansongirl , @Melisandre , @meme57 , @Mer_2016 , @Methadras , @micdarkaz1969 , @MicheleHogg ,@milkysara , @MilunoSilver , @mindy26 , @mindylarson19 , @misirichards , @Missi61 , @missy1313 , @mistyrowe42 , @MJazzyL , @mletuli , @mneldo , @Mohamed007 , @mohdzakiey , @mommy2 , @momosia , @Monetrenua ,@monnaqie ,@mooly77 , @Moon65 , @Moonbeam379 , @mosbacher80 , @mosi13 ,@mrmrshemi , @msbrotis1 , @MthrOfPearl ,@muslim , @Mystery1966 , @mystydaye , @naboney , @nadsali , @Nanna1151 , @Nannieof5 , @NannyLinda , @Nanzo , @NashR84 , @NaszIsaac77 ,@nathalie2905caron @naturesquaw , @nese1947 , @Nilceia , @nimitz40 , @Nk_sexy1204 , @Norma_Mathieson , @Norrablomman , @nymphadora , @oceanrush92 , @omgitsagaygirl @onyxking87 , @otrhona , @ounti , @Pam_Ramsey , @parkesygamer88 , @pattyj , @paynee , @Peanutgal , @PeeWee_Garner ,@peincess , @penguin123r6 , @pepper118 , @pequecantoral , @perfectly_imperfect , @PerfectStorm , @phi1ar , @phkay , @Phoenix79 , @Piccollo , @pimonte , @PJNew21 , @Plaulau , @Pooka2 , @precious123 , @Prettymsdance , @Probhodana ,
@Puppe , @Pysanka , @Queenieg4 , @QueenieMcGuire , @raelynn74602 , @Raetzman , @rararachael85 , @rasjr92 , @RegansHere , @ReneAlen , @rhamesses , @rhondadearmond , @rhondagearin67 , @Rixgrlraven , @rkd4usc , @Robinson21 @Rocko_1 ,@rocky1997 , @romalv , @Roman2018 , @roo4002 , @RReck , @rukz , @runt64 , @rusty2 , @rutgerdewitx , @saedhanfy55555 , @SammieSweetheart1994 , @sanddris92 , @Sandyhplay , @sandyscove , @sarangd , @SarLou , @sassySarah , @SavageMaMaz124 , @SavingGrace , @Screwchaser , @Seija_Gregor , @SeraGulersoy0929 , @SexcKit , @Sexynaenae , @sgoass1954 , @shado700cc , @Shakyalmond , @shanai82 , @shanda0413 , @sharpshooter8888 , @shavon , @ShayShay89 , @shelby_fka_davidson , @sherwood1995 , @shira17 , @shisino , @shona1502 , @shorty2346 , @shrofv , @shroomsgrl , @Shwh67 , @SickBoy13 , @silviadelatorre , @simmo40 ,@Sindatur , @SiReK , @SirWellington , @siti_payung , @sixxy001 , @sjkbeckham , @slhamby ,@slotstarkey , @SLPJeep2020 , @smacster , @Smarties1 , @Smatter , @smcm6370 , @smcmscctc , @Snardly , @Solomon6 , @solsen622 , @Speicker1 , @srynes01 , @Stac_Sue , @starcloud2020 , @StayFocusedOnUs , @stellanoita , @stephens004 , @Stiffy , @stina36 , @StuckInATree , @SueBee717 , @suedee , @sunniskyes , @Susancarol @Suzuka , @SuzyDoozy , @sweets0426 , @Sylvia382 , @SylwiaRum , @taina388 , @taito2000 , @tankman , @TanyaBucel , @Taratobin1980 , @Tasmeen , @TempleKassing , @temptressregna8 , @Texastornado , @TG2022 , @The_disaster_1 , @theertha__krishna , @TheMatrixster , @Theodora_Doreta , @Thilerges , @Tia46vsJd79 , @tiannap , @tigsmum , @TinaMarie2021 , @tinymoore0424 , @Tlhbang , @TMStoner1 , @tombos, @TootyTooty , @topblk , @TotoAml , @traci54 , @traveler2007 , @treborslady , @TreeThom , @Trina72 , @Trish2420 , @Trish517 , @tscheip , @TugUgly , @Tupac19 , @twibble87 , @Twintiggrz , @txmoogie , @TXWildflower , @ugadawg , @ugocent , @unicornweis , @unitrish1953 , @urangel327 , @Urmi_Islam , @UrsulaClaussen , @VampireAngie , @_vani_patel_ , @Vilminha7 , @Vimutisuk , @VioletWitch ,@wedonotconsent , @Werti , @whitneyv , @wickedassone , @williamsdenise36 , @wizardguy80 , @wizardsense , @wordeater , @wtiger17470 , @wwitch , @Xaylem , @ylia12 , @youknewthis , @yulisey , @ZeeMom ,@zhengarthur2418 , @zJzJ , @ZombieNinjaGrrl
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Thank you in advance!
@__MULLIGANACEOUS__, @KrazeK, @Merx_Gonzalez, @serviceste735, @rachmariie, @RedHeadAllTheWay, @mnm41, @hanhtranvietnam, @Alizakhan, @twila, @Fakhruddin-2, @JoMama311, @amykatt, @Scorpio54, @Perdiansyah, @Fences, @Cw1310, @bobjenn327, @brent_doolin, @Stephanschulz, @dianaperez200, @Nazakat, @Frupje, @Dadderdanei, @AllisonTravis, @dajare, @arwen777, @Julianah, @andresjis, @MJB_JDB_EPB2013, @kims68, @messenabout, @yoph_1234, @tmgiuffre, @Ecam, @MUNOZSUSANA172, @twingader, @Alienscar, @sierrajanet, @kreamnsuga79, @greddycandy, @Fahriddin, @Beeves21, @SabrinaGregory, @TWalsh, @greddycandy, @tanii19, @nickwilliams, @lacrosskim, @olyamt, @AmyE2018, @pupikat1, @Petrena, @MajuHaj, @nacona123, @Yaya777, @fuchsika, @Marcellus_Cémeris, @Germano_, @MattieLilly, @tollerdog01, @Fakhruddin-2, @creswell, @rare, @NikitaAnne, @aflood93, @buckie, @maria_labrador, @Kapri_Rose, @Shevonne, @Lady_Eragon, @deplayer, @exterminador, @YoshLee44, @Marzia333, @HughLaurie1959, @TheCapstodian, @glcoop66, @Breebaby, @LeahK, @Queen_Neni, @Blaxer, @joshua2c CCS: @Soda_bottelet, @suzekit, @dazzlinpee, @Beachgirl63, @kdm29, @Anniemcmanus, @Havish, @sipc, @brownsugar2115, @jverley420, @prezy22, @tommie1986, @Bricorn, @2easy, @maalik, @jellyjean, @Mynette, @swabby, @AaronH, @vstexas, @040890, @chirag0406, @laydeebae, @renamifsud2, @nataliaxa13, @SweetSusan, @1967pam, @Rab123, @giotaki, @jayteedy, @wconnaughton, @Sherri_Bouknight, @Codecas, @Brianvu, @munazzaashraf007, @natzbiz, @FOBET, @Bantino @wwiii @kikiray23 @Geumie2020 @behnaz_ebrahimi @MissDolittle @cindimjrs @Gylia @Novatilla @sredjent @princeaz @stevie67 @craftyvinz @Trisha_Neuner @shuping17 @shellyac @ladams2855 @virges_1963 @lesleyno @wingfox @Michellegabry @Marimoriita @andresa123 @Moani75 @justjeanniemama @Sheila_Muspratt @ceokcsunshinekids @babbie2 @AndreaArias1 @jenco36 @Kjlyman1 @DoYourLaundry @Lolley1982 @megumspuds @latasharichards @MsSha2u @peach1997r @Tamesa48 @deedles916 @miss_monnie @kendramitchellkendra @Ecam @purpleunicorn72 @Aaron4 @PatWay @mattmahar8 @giorgos_mos @RayB3109 @amber_dawn @Lizly62 @Mary8Moeeeee @Milinka @SaraVitaMoore @jayteedy @jennifritz @clarey @deepakstha @shall2 @jlynnb23 @KTMac @Tranic @purple0822 @jodihunter05 @MommaMary5 @Jhessycah @crushingsweets @Kayleekay @lacyleroy @rienepien @js7902 @Ernie545 @nannewbct @S42S @dugglebb @sarahmd @2grandbabies @Cece322 @LoloBash51 @catmama6 @Johnny5salive @JaclynAmes @Crazy_cat_lady_1 @DukeSR8 @Kelutwo @Verna_Ellenson @maxinegio @MissyLuvsB2020 @MattKarySwaggyDrip @gasrenus @na0218dajks @KristieJ @albski @Renee_James @eldutton @1235Hardy @yogachik @Staceybich @Doppo @LiL_Pixie @bugs_burny @Kim_Steel @lindasin @DocCha @Cute_Tiffi @ShaqKnox @Chrismp @pat1man @malloryp @bernirc77 @kujo54 @smidgesgirl @NuggyBoo @Kjlyman1 @billjerry @imralk @Vunke1987 @nettieg @jess2901 @AlainaHS @OOOlena @mzphitz @KILLEY2 @Tiffani37643 @Carol_Kero @BossQueenLiss80 @SidLock @Mjo1986 @ncoll19 @buttbaby920 @Sk1tZo_JuGGaLo @AlainaHS @renamifsud2 @lexlishious @leshia @chrisroberts @giotaki @CharmedCat CCJ: @DerPanther @BimbaBimba @mafong @ThetHtar @wdalman @LASHANINDA @hsain @darlenejr88 @Eneida_Ndulo @Radek1966 @Lfloyd95 @JMag @mhemz @Lingus @AceK @sideout2121 @babijane @mmc0515 @LotusC @dmcundiff1978 @Ohema @chickyjelly @beanie904 @alsto40 @MariaDella @jellystar @ZeesLady @tonefernandes @ButterScotchJonz @QueenRabbit @ktrost11 @SayuriHamada @BAWS @lisacz1984 @1509hk1547, @shafer223 @samsimpson945 @NatalieG @Alyse_Mac @NatalieArefjeva @tinytara1970 CCF: @Elenna, @wabsy246, @wbh_cecilia, @JSimpson4, @NikitaOhOh, @GingerBlueEyes, @MelMel1975, @ellectra, @Ransome30, @Winge, @anickol3, @little_kay, @lincow, @Ruksana541, @ACDW, @Shirtae, @DGenevieve, @dharryfn, @daniel47, @samuye2222
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Hello @Elsa, thank you for the stories of Mother Goose.
I can only confirm that stories, rhymes and songs in a child's early years are extremely important for their development. My granddaughter loved to hear songs and stories as a baby. Even though she did not yet understand it, it was important to hear the mother's voice or another devotee at first. Later, when she began to speak her first words, she demanded stories, songs, and poems. After several repetitions, she then remembered things and recited them herself. She loves songs and has a book with melodies of children's songs. She often sits down with this songbook, presses a button for the melody and sings the lyrics to it.
I didn't know the history of everything. I always assumed that at some point in the past something of stories, songs and poems was written down and it was passed down from generation to next generation. It may also be the case, but in each country it is different.
Thank you for always writing such instructive stories.
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Happy Mother Goose Day.