🎉 It's my Happy 6th Anniversary on King Community! 🎉 💎🌟 Diamond Lim 🌟💎

Hello there! King Community Players! 👋😄
I am Diamond Lim (You can also called me "Lim" is short as well! 😊). I am born on 16th June 1999 and from Malaysia. 😄
If you haven't read my Happy 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Anniversary on King Community, you can clicking on here! I hope you love to read my best memory of Happy 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Anniversary if you are interested! 😊
So click here (1st Anniversary), here (2nd Anniversary), here (3rd Anniversary - From Part 1), here (4th Anniversary - From Part 1) and here (5th Anniversary - From Part 1) on King Community! 😉
Woohoo! Finally today (15th July 2024) is my Happy 6th Anniversary on King Community now! I want to say many thanks for all of Game Moderators and Community Managers as they have created so many exciting contests, news and threads and also helping a lot of players around King Community with me right now. I also want to say many thanks for all of friendly King Community players as they are also still great, kindness, supportive, friendly, caring and fun around King Community with me right now. 🤗
So I will be still little active, fine, happiness and also nothing so lonely on King Community right now. I also have got a lot of badges from the exciting contests and badge threads. I have creating my so many Diamond Diaries Saga and also Community Hub contests and exciting badge threads then I see so many participants have participated, answered and also challenged on my so many exciting contests and badge threads right now! I love Badges, King Community and also all of you! Many thanks! 💕🤗
By the way, my real life is still super busy, some difficult and some sadness while I have still Learning Disabilities (from 2008 to present) right now. But I am still never give up here with all of you while I will keep going to 7th Anniversary on King Community! ❤️😊
Thank you, everyone! 💖🤗
Then I earned Happy 6th Anniversary Badge today (15th July 2024)! 🏅🎉👑6️⃣😄
Let's celebrate Happy 6th Anniversary to me on King Community now! 🎉👑6️⃣😄
👨👩👦 New to the Community? Register HERE in just 2 seconds!
Let's celebrate Happy 6th Anniversary to me on King Community now! 🎉👑6️⃣😄
Thank you, everyone! 💖🤗
Tagging active Community Hub Players into spoiler :
@_Elsa_ @encantes @wykoon @Pitty_Kitty @Andres-2 @rebelchild @istuff @carmenechevarria @SabrinaM @kiara_wael @bearwithme @MountainMom @NamTruong2001 @simplyP @DieOmimi @jeanps @lelensp @Racoon7 @Palash_Sarma @aautz1 @Nadia1770 @KCullen127 @Princess_Jessica @EnergizerBunny @LadyGaivman @Boybinary @Angel_Natasha @Amoonmoon @maf34100 @LeFlarcane @Elviramartinez_61 @Yosca @Moh1977 @MollyS @King_Neal @teeweiping @johamilton @namal_butt_01 @Nico_G @NamTruong2001 @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @Werner_Cichy @PummyRaj @ElenaVorona @ndd_2023 @LaLuna03 @JONH10 @betchiegrl29 @KingsDaughter14 @Toune_PG @200mimis @moe75 @nekocat @steventseng @Ibnana @SApple2 @huynhduc @Magnolia4 @greddycandy @Kerrie @AnguaB @Bellamy32 @Anahita_2005 @CoonMa @Spinnifix @xBlossomx @papytchula @MiladyR @keshavrf @Lady_Choo @me6412 @Johan_DelaCena @danysharma
** If who wants to subscribe Community Hub Tagging List, please check and comment here! Thanks! 😊 **
Also tagging another active King's Game Players only into spoiler :
BW3S : @sudejo @trishbanda CCS : @rare @bmkersey08 @Alexandra_Tang @Loser_ @gamepower @Colleen12 @Scooterpie @Peter_Tornaros @KyshA72 @AmberRaeLeo CCSS : @Courtney1990 @Lou_2002 @PaulaB1 @pbgroupie @Shina04 CCJS : @tokasa13 @95chata FHS : @Doris_Koch @SyahrinHisyam PRS : @mil9 @Peanut7139 @Vladislav2025
Also tagging King Community Managers : @QueenB @FluffyDinosaur @LoFiGummy @Snow_Rider
Badge of the Month - July 2024 HERE! 🍧🍧
👭 Fun Fun Fun For All HERE! 👭
What can we do to make the King Community even better? Check HERE! ✨😉
Also check more Community Hub exciting threads here (Click on spoiler warming button) 👇😊
Hot right now in King Community HERE 🌶️👑
💫 From King with love - Learn more about our sweet initiatives HERE!
🏁🚙 Road to King Community Legend and beyond! Levels, Points, Answer, Badges and more HERE!
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👑🎉🥳 Celebrate King's 20 year anniversary with us and get a badge HERE!
🎉👑🎈Celebrating 5 Glorious Years of the King Community - Celebrate, Share and Get the Celebration Badge HERE! 💫
The King Audio Lab HERE! 🔉
Art Nook: King Fanart HERE! 🎨
Let's help to create/vote amazing ideas and suggestions on any King's Games HERE! ✔️💡
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Happy Anniversary! I remember that when you started in Diamond Diaries I was impressed at the tutorials that you created. You were a teenager when you joined us here. The six years really went fast!
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Happy 6th Anniversary @Diamond_Lim
Thank you so much for being you. You are always so kind and helpful with everyone in the community. 💕
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Happy Anniversary @Diamond_Lim!
Six Years!
I've been playing King games on PC for nearly five years but I only joined the Community in May last year. 🙄 Should have joined sooner…
All the best to you and here's to another six years! 🥂
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Oh Yeah! I always remember that when I started playing Diamond Diaries Saga on 7th July 2018, then I asked my first Diamond Diaries Saga problem while I joined on King Community (King Care) on 14th July 2018. 😄
Then Yes! I did created all of my Diamond Diaries Saga Expert Guides by myself since 26th December 2018 when I was 19 years old only. 💎💡😄
It's not just created Diamond Diaries Saga Expert Guides, I did also created Diamond Diaries Saga Polls, Discussions, Informations, Contests and News and also helped a lot of the players to solve any DiDS questions, problems, and stuck on DiDS tricky levels around DiDS Community 6 years! 💎😄
When I started playing Diamond Diaries Saga on 7th July 2018, I am Diamond Diaries Saga beginner. And then on October 2018, I became Diamond Diaries Expert / Skill Master Player right now. So I am not just still Diamond Diaries Saga Moderator 3 years, 4 months and 2 weeks since I start promoted on 1st March 2021, I am also still Diamond Diaries Skill Master Player 5 years and 9 months and 2 weeks since I became on Oct 2018. 💎😄
That's right! The time is really spending so fast so good for sticking with us my 6 years on King Community now! Yeah! 6 years is really no so easy and fast spent the time! Then finally I cannot believe it's so fast so good for sticking with us my 6 years on King Community now! 🎉👑6️⃣😄
Anyway, also thank you for your joining and celebrating my Happy 6th Anniversary to me on King Community now! My dear one of the sweetest, best helpful, friendly, caring, kindness and active player! I still remember you are our mother of the Superstars as you did created a lot of awesome fun contests and helped a lot of the players around King Community so many years! Love you so much! Many hugs for you so much! @_Elsa_ 💕🤗
💎 Diamond Lim 💎
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Happy 6th Anniversary @Diamond_Lim ! You are always a bright spot in the community!
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Wow! I am so happy and grateful to see and hear your sweetness comment! 👍💕🥰
You are very welcome and also thank you for your joining and celebrating my Happy 6th Anniversary to me on King Community now! My dear sweet friend! @EnergizerBunny 🤗
💎 Diamond Lim 💎
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Wow! You have been playing King's games on PC for nearly 5 years! That was so awesome! 👍😮
I have been playing Diamond Diaries Saga 6 years since I start played Diamond Diaries Saga on 7th July 2018. And then I have been playing Candy Crush Friends Saga 1 year and 9 months since I start played Candy Crush Friends Saga on 15th October 2022. ✌️😄
And that's also great to see you joined on King Community on the last year of May! You did got and celebrated your 1st Anniversary on King Community! 👍😄
I am very happy to see you are back on King Community and also thank you for your joining and celebrating my Happy 6th Anniversary to me on King Community now! 🤗
💎 Diamond Lim 💎
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Wow! I am so happy and grateful to see and hear your bright and sweetness comment! 👍💕🥰
Also thank you for your joining and celebrating my Happy 6th Anniversary to me on King Community now! @PaulaB1 🤗
💎 Diamond Lim 💎
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6 years!