First Candy Royale Keeps Popping Up, Now I cannot play at all....
One of the nice Candy Crush Saga Representatives contacted me yesterday regarding the not-existing opt-out close button for Candy Royale. Basically, there's nothing i can do about it, that's what i got out of it. However, i decided to continue playing this morning although i got the pop up again. Well, i had completed all…
How do i reciprocate lives that someone gave me? Thank you to Lorraine!
So, twice now Lorraine has given me lives, and twice i won, instead of having to give up. Thanks so much. I have no idea how i got them, but i would love to reciprocate and give Lorraine a life or more. How would i do that, please? Thanks, Squirrelwife/Marguerite
Woohoo! Just reached Level 7000!
Hard work but fun! Squirrelwife/Marguerite
Some of my goldbars disappeared, and i did not get the reward on my chocolate box....
Hello, First of all, whoever does the graphic on CC, kudos to them. I love summer, so i love the summer graphics, hopefully the fall ones won't come too soon. However, the strangest thing happened to me this morning when i opened CC Saga. All of a sudden, my goldbars went down from 23 to 17 without me purchasing anything…
Just a little thanks for the pretty graphics....Sweet Summer Season
I truly hope you will have that nice background on "Sweet Summer Season" on for a while. It is absolutely gorgeous. I love summer, and i hope you won't get into fall too soon. Either way, compliments to whoever designs those. Squirrelwife/Marguerite
Not easy, but a fun level - 6525
Don't know who designed level 6525, but kudus to the presentation. Simple little square with lots of fun colors....a nice contrast to the sometimes overwhelming big busy squares. Haven't solved it yet, but it's a fun one. Marguerite/Squirrelwife
lost 10 gold bars , accidentally purchased
I've accidentally purchased things a few times before and decided to ignore it at that time. I also DO purchase intentionally when i have enough moves given and know i could win the game. But now, this is getting way too maddening. I accidentally clicked on the "Continue To Play?" button, which never gives you an option to…
Purchasing Accidentally - 10 gold bars lost
I've accidentally purchased things a few times before and decided to ignore it at that time. I also DO purchase intentionally when i have enough moves given and know i could win the game. But now, this is getting way too maddening. I accidentally clicked on the "Continue To Play?" button today, which never gives you an…
Boosters get covered up every time lately.....
So, i am at level 6070. Decided to sacrifice one of my boosters (sprinkled chocolate ball) to help me with the game. I couldn't do anything with it as it got immediately covered, and i could not use it at all when i finished the game, it stayed covered. This is the 2nd time this happens, and i don't find it particularly…
Booster not always visible in game
So, i am at level 6070. Decided to sacrifice one of my boosters (sprinkled chocolate ball) to help me with the game. I couldn't do anything with it as it got immediately covered, and i could not use it at all when i finished the game, it stayed covered. This is the 2nd time this happens, and i don't find it particularly…