Level 93 on Blossom Blast Saga
I am having problems with level 93. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Not able to finish level 126 blossom blast saga
Im playing blossom blast saga from last 2 moths all level cleared easily but level 126 is so difficult trying to win from last 20 days I'm stuck on level 126 kindly activate some powers or increase my moves or remove that honey bee..ASAP
On Blossom Blast Saga level 126.
On the tutorials I have found it shows the level starting with 28 turns and the bottom flowers need 30 hits. On my screen it only gives me 20 turns and the bottom flowers need 50 hits. What happened? Also, you need to add this game to your tags.
blossom blast wont start new episode
I waited 3 days to go through to level 40 but nothing has happened ..what could be the problem
How do i unlock the other two power ups in the game? And what is up with the star meter?
Went back and been trying to get three stars to see if the meter moves and still don't....
Can't move past level 28
I've beat level 28 three times but the game won't let me progress to the next level.
What's the deal wth the bees
All the other blockers we can kill but the bees nope can't kill em...any suggestions?
I cannot find my Facebook friends.
Hi, I am connected to Facebook in the game Blossom Blast. But I am unable to find any Fb friends whom I know are also playing the game. So right now I cannot invite anyone to send me lives or unlocks. There are also other people who I can see playing the game but they are not my friends. Please help!
no connection
Hi, I am connected to Facebook in the game Blossom Blast. But I am unable to find any Fb friends whom I know are also playing the game. So right now I cannot invite anyone to send me lives or unlocks. There are also other people who I can see playing the game but they are not my friends. Please help!
How do I get Blossom blast saga levels 121 - 140?
I have successfully beaten Blossom Blast Saga level 120 but I don't get any more new levels although I can see walkthroughs online for levels 121 to 140. How do I get these new levels? I have uninstalled and re-installed the app but nothing works :(