Blossom blast saga level 141 freezes when there are just a few moves left
I have tried several times on level 141 and each time I get down to the last few moves, usually when the birds have gone, the game freezes (iOS) and no longer responds. Is there any fix for this? thanks
Blossom blast saga level 105 (game not listed)
I was curious to know what you need for the 4 big buds. I have seen videos where they are all 30. In my game the top 2 are 50 and the bottom 2 are 35. Which day is the correct way?
Can not get three stars on level 15 on blossom blast saga
Think there is something wrong with this level the amount off flowers you blast the coloured line that appears to get the stars is really slow you can not get three stars only two even if all the flowers are gone
I have tried all day to play the blossom saga game it keeps telling me i have to wait 29 hours ro r
I have tried all day to play but keep getting told it will be 29 hours toll I get free lives again. Is this normal or is there a problem. If it is a problem how can it be fixed?
I lost my high Score on Blossom Blast saga
I had 84620 and i came back to it and this other person has my score and my name is not of the leader board.
Blossom blast roadblock
Blossom blast roadblock will not go away. It's been 8 days and I could only get 2 friends to send unblock. Why can't I play?? Very frustrated.
not allowing me past roadblock
I came to the road block four days ago. At first it gave me the option to ask friends, use gold bars or wait the three days to advance. The time option disappeared and now my only option to advance is to use gold bars. How do I advance without using them?
How to beat Blossom Blast Saga Level 20
There are so many Big Buds... I have tried many times and can't seem to get through to the ones at the bottom. Any tips please?
Blossom blast saga
Game will not open completely, keeps freezing either at the king logo or when I go to click start. Have cleared cache, checked for updates and restarted phone. Nothing has worked.
i am stuck at level 41 on Blossom Blaster, I do not have three friends playing the game and I do not have enough coins. Will the game eventually let me pass or do I have to purchase something? Or another option is to delete the game, it is fun, hate to delete. thank you i picked a game but it's not the one I have a…