Competition and stars
How is it that when a new week starts some players have hundreds of stars within the first hour or so? I started in 2nd place with zero stars this morning and the 1st place player had 52. An hour later I play again and the 1st place player is now in 2nd place and the player in 1st has nearly 300 stars. Last week within a…
(EDIT: Unsupported language) Nivel 185 Bubble Witch 3 Saga. Lo dejo, me han aburrido
(EDIT: Unsupported language ) Estoy en el nivel 185 y definitivamente dejo el juego. Me han hastiado. Estoy harta de ver partidas amañadas en youtube con muchos más disparos y las burbujas perfectamente colocadas. Nada que ver con lo que a mi me sale y me da igual jugar en móvil, tablet o laptop. Me parecía un buen juego,…
Bubble Witch 3
Why am I failing to make improvements?
Lost all my potions and boosters when I signed in on my new phone what can I do to get it back
Moon Chase - Round 2
Hello Witches! As we announced a week ago, Moon Chase is back However, due to some technical issues some winners of the first round were not able to access round two. That is why we are now going to reopen this so the dates of the event are as follows: Semi-final: Starts: September 27th, at 9 a.m. EDT (Eastern Daylight…
( Edit: Unsupported language) سارونه الدوسري
I’m going to get a little more than I thought about that but I’m zfhbcfyujkoitwfvkfra
why do I keep having to go back and get hat no 1, when I should already have hat no 3,
yes why is it like playing for the first time everytime I play, I keep getting hat no 1 then hat no 2 then back to hat no 1 when I should have hat no 3 already, never going to pass this board ever and it's pissing me off, I'm on my computer and have just updated everything, Darlene
why does it load slowwwwwwwwwwwww and freezes up?
level 1772
Enjoying the new levels, but level 1772 only gives you at the start 15 tries to knock out 20 moons. I will keep trying but that does seem a bit unfair.
Three dont-know-how questions, please
1. The pig is full of gold (50 bars) and thus all my stars are being wasted. What am I supposed to do with the gold? 2. Completed until level 60. This means I have 4 tickets for solving difficult levels, but the store cat tells me I need an internet connection to get the special offer. I don't understand, I'm online…