stuck on webgl, and my browser supports it.
The screen says to load WebGL, I checked and I have a browser that supports Bubble Witch 3. Help!
Facebook Gameroom
My browser supports WebGL, but this game won't play.
Fix it please
I was on level 186 had to get a new phone when I downloaded bubble witch 3 to my galaxy j3 emerge it started me completely over to the beginning I want to be back where I was and I had also just paid the $2.99 to empty my gold bars bank i want those back plus the 16 i already had please and thank you
Lost progress
I was playing on my iPad and on level 966 and all that disappeared. I connected to Facebook to pick up from there, but my progress hadn't been saved either. All those levels have disappeared. Why? Where are they? You've lost a customer if you can't find them.
I have so many charges on my bank account for things I've never approved or ordered. I do not know who to contact but I want my money back and I want this to stop.
Do any of you feel ripped off by this game?
I bought 50 gold bars and this game made me spend them all! I knew that when you get close to finishing a level they won't give you the color ball you need and it's not just once and a while it';s every time! I realize that all the games cheat and it's totally obvious but this one takes the cake! You might think because…
keep being thown out of game
I keep being thown out of this game. The screen freezes and then I'm thown out
I am going to try a theory of mine regarding the loss of Boosters in BW3. Anyone game?
My theory is on Bubble Witch 3 that if you don't use your booster(s) by the time you fill your third cup (by upgrading your home), you lose them and start all over again earning your boosters. I am going to pay more attention to this. What's your thoughts?
bubble witch 3 saga
ich habe schon 2 mal goldbarren gekauft, das geld wurde auch abgebucht, ich habe aber keine goldbarren erhalten.
Can't continue a level, receive "no connection" message
Playing on a desktop so I am connected. Pls help!