How do I change this photo? I can’t stand looking at it all day!
how do i change this photo please?
Astral League missing?
About a week ago after winning my last Astral group table the League hasn't returned. Has it gone on summer holiday... ha ha! The rest of my game is working fine but I sort of miss playing the Astral League along with the regular levels.
Struggle with level 4601
Hi, I have had a problem for a few days. The game kicks me out mostly when I am about to finish a level. I can finish two or three levels but then I am struggling with the same level for hours, I can't finish it because the game kicks me out. So I have to start to same level over and over again. I already tried everything…
Daily Play Streak lost.
Last week, app crashed loading the new main window (level 5675 aprox). After I reloaded it the first thing I saw was the dayly play strak going back to 1, from 860 more than 2 and half year playing daily.... 😥 Any way to recover it??? Thanks and BR!
Having trouble playing level 500
I have gotten to level 500 and it will not allow me to really even play Level 500. Is there something wrong with the game?
How to add friends?
My friend and I have both shared the link to become friends but it only seems to open the app and nothing happens?
Constant Mail Notification - Send Lives
Back to back questions lol Ever since I linked my account to an email, I constantly have the envelope notification to send lives. It's always to the same bunch of people. I'll send the lives, do a level or check on my house, and when I go back to the main screen the envelope is back with the same people, same request. Any…
Important question-Piggy bank issue
About two weeks ago The Astral League stopped working on one of my devices. The points wasn't increasing and it didn't count the time. On my other device The Astral League didn't show up at all. I logged in and out several times, turned off my devices, but to no avail. Then I decided to log out,clear cache and app…
Do you have weekly events? 🤔
Hello people, eh you see that I don't have the weekly events that usually come out... Magic cauldron, fairy race, and magic ritual...etc. haven't been dating me? is there something to do? I need please help from you :c I feel sad not having that! :/ I have already cleared cache, and I also closed and re-logged in the game,…
Stuck on Level 248
@PrettyBubbles and @johamilton Why did it say my post had to be approved on my previous post. I need help on level 248 the Frogsty things have me trapped and I can’t get past them. I am really not liking being in the Forest of Love. I had a very difficult time today trying to complete the 2nd task to wake up the wise tree.…