Stuck on level 765 for a WEEK
I am stuck on this level and can't even get close to successfully completing it. I have played this game for years and never had this issue. My old account had a 10,000 lvl banner. Lost it when I changed phones. PLEASE HELP. GM
Why didn't the level, 6923, complete?
Hi, I completed level 6923 and yet the game didn't finish, it froze and on re-entering it wants me to do the level again which is both not right and unfair, it's not the first time this has happened and puts me off playing.
BW3 and BW2
What is the difference between BW3 and BW2?
Level 7256 glitch
Edit: I eventually got it to work.. Hi, I passed level 7256 but the game glitched and wouldn't end (I had all the owls but it showed I had one more left and then froze). Anyone else with this problem?
How to close my account?
information on where can I close my account
Problema con la scuola di magia.
Ciao a tutti, come da oggetto, anche se super i livelli e il numero degli amuleti ottenuti cambia, non riescoo a ottenere nessun premio. Sono l'unica con questo problema?
Levels 7263 and 7267
They're exactly the same. They're both owl levels with the exact same pattern and amount of owls to release, duplicates in fact. I'm just wondering if this is deliberate or a mistake? I've probably only noticed because they're so close together. No biggie though, i'm just curious 🧐
Poratuje ktoś życiem bardzo proszę
Prosze o pomóż z życiem 😭
I can't update Bubble Witch 3 on a kindle fire HD 11th grn
I can't update Bubble Witch 3 on a kindle fire HD 11th grn
3327 I won the game and I can't move forward pls help me
I won the game and I can't move forward pls move me to next level and I will not play the same level