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Why are my star cats not staying leveled up.

Mary_George Posts: 16

Level 2

I feed my star cats potions and they level up in stella's house, but when I go to play they are back back at level 1. I have constant issues with Stella's house. I can't upgrade my beanstalk unless I log in and visit her house under another account then log into mine and I can see upgrades that are available. I have sent numerous help tickets to no avail.


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,381
    Hi @Mary_George I am sorry you are having this issue. I need you to try some troubleshooting, but as it involves deleting the game, please note any saved boosters will be lost as well (any purchased ones can be replaced just not saved ones).
    As you don't say which device you are playing on, could you please pick your OS from this link and follow the instructions :)

    Let us know if it helps or not :) 
  • Mary_George
    Mary_George Posts: 16

    Level 2

    edited February 2019
    I have deleted the game and reloaded cleared the cache and the game still does it. It does it on every device i play on even on my laptop which has windows 10. My phone is a lg g6 running Android 8.0. My tablet is an lg also running Android 7.0. 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,381
    I am so sorry, I am going to pass this over to one of our community managers and see if there is a known issue :( 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,381
    Just out of interest have you tried logging out, then logging into your own account before you start playing? I am wondering if its due to the facebook connection issues, its saying you are connected but you're not, and that is why its resetting.
  • Mary_George
    Mary_George Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Doesn't matter if I log in with Google or Facebook they are the same. Star cats aren't leveled up and Stella's beanstalk says "coming soon".
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,381
    edited March 2019
    The bean stalk is in various measures of testing, some progress more than others at the moment depending on which group you're in. 
    As to the logging in, it's disappointing to hear that as @QueenMia was sure it's because you are being logged out as well. Did you try logging out then in again straight away to your own account? I've tagged her so she can come back and see as she is aware you are having trouble :) 
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Hi @Mary_George and thanks @Chicken_Slayer for flagging this to me! 

    Really sorry about the inconvenience, @Mary_George - You've provided us with great details and our team will be able to look into this. I've passed these to our bubblicious Studio for now and I'll get back to you as soon as we have more info!

    Thank you for your patience! 

  • Emily-10
    Emily-10 Posts: 21

    Level 3

    Hi @Mary_George, I have the same problem as you, was wondering if yours was solved and how?

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,381
    Aha @Emily-10 I understand now what you meant about being blocked at level 1. Did you see my response to your post?
    @QueenMia is still waiting for the studio to get back to her at the moment. 
  • Mary_George
    Mary_George Posts: 16

    Level 2

    edited March 2019
    Emily-10 no my issue is still there. I have been trying for months to get it resolved and still nothing. I cannot go into Stellas beanstalk and upgrade. Every ticket I turn in gets closed without any resolution I send in pictures and never get a response.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?