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Higher level players getting bored?

Vicky_Adamson Posts: 5

Level 2

Am I the only one getting bored/frustrated with the higher levels? 
I love the game and I know the idea is that the higher you get the harder the levels get (obviously!!) but I’m finding its becoming a struggle to complete a level, ones that aren’t even deemed as ‘hard’ without having to always use a booster or gold for some extra moves. 
Even with the introduction of the 3 witches hats, it’s taking me excessively long times to complete one single level (sometimes it’s been over a week) unless I acquiesce and use a booster or buy more moves since the moves given in levels have dropped dramatically, definitely one of the reasons making it harder to complete levels. 
I enjoy the game but I’m not the kind of person who is in a position to constantly be buying gold to spend just to complete a level. 
Its very frustrating in the higher levels and I’m getting to a point where I think I’ll just stop playing. 


  • kaiser1618
    kaiser1618 Posts: 268
    In fact I found the levels 1540-1560 easier than the levels 1500-1540 but some where still a bit hard and I had to use boosters or gold. If the devs didn't add the golden hat, some levels above 1500 would be really impossible but with this new free booster it is possible to finish most of the high levels without having to use gold or paid boosters.
    The only weak point is that this booster is a bit random, sometimes it appears and is quite easy to get and sometimes I'm waiting and playing many times without getting any access to it and even loosing the other 2 hats before it appears, I don't understand the logic behind it.
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,407
    Tagging @QueenMia so she can pass your feedback over to the studio :) 
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Hey guys, Thanks a lot for these feedback! Will make sure it's passed to the Studio! Please keep your comments and suggestions coming as we really want to hear what you have to say! It will help us help you! 

  • kaiser1618
    kaiser1618 Posts: 268
    edited June 2019
    QueenMia said:
    Hey guys, Thanks a lot for these feedback! Will make sure it's passed to the Studio! Please keep your comments and suggestions coming as we really want to hear what you have to say! It will help us help you! 

    I have some feedback if you want :3

    - the golden hat is too random, sometimes I just have to play 5 times to get all 3 hats in a row, and sometimes I have to play like 7 or 8 times just to get the 1st, then 5 times to get the 2nd and for the golden hat it can be even worth with the additional difficulty that the hat can be present in the level but too hard to get because we run out of shots before reaching it. As I said on others topics, my technic is to play again some old easy levels (like 1595) where I'm sure to reach the golden hat when it's present in the level but it's a bit boring to replay again and again an old easy level I already won just to get the golden hat to finally have a chance to beat the current very hard level (so the suggestion is to make the golden hat easier to get ie far away from the roof of the level).

    - I have over 150 000 stardust and nothing to do with it, please add new upgrades to stellas house (or maybe allow us to upgrade something else like special skills for stella ?)

    - the story isn't evolving at all since a long time. I'm aware that's not the most important part of the game but since stella is in the kaleidoscope world nothing is happening at all in the storyline

    - concerning the infinite lives boosters (like the one we get in silver chests with 30min infinite lives): it's really annoying that we can not use them when we want but only at the moment when we find them. For example often I get 30mins infinite lives just before I have to close the game  (because I have a real life in fact :p ) thus the 30min are lost. It would be better to store them as a booster which I can used the next time I open the game to fully enjoy it.

    - when I finished the last level available I come back to old levels to get more stars, but some levels (above lvl 600) seems impossible to finish with 3 stars even with the astro cat which adds star bubbles at the beginning of a level. On some levels I'm first among my friends with like 30 000 more than the 2nd and it's still not enought to get 3 stars ...

    - the hat pop-up which explains the hats in the levels in a bit annoying when clicking on it not on purpose when I have to aim a bit too far on the right.

    - the waiting time when they are frogs or other animations in the level. At the end of every single turn you have to wait for them to freeze the bubbles and jump to the next one, when you are playing 10, 20, 30 times or even more the same level again and again because it's too difficult, these animations become really annoying.

    That's all for the moment but I'm sure I can find more if I try :p
  • kaiser1618
    kaiser1618 Posts: 268
    edited June 2019
    @QueenMia was that too much feedback ? :p

    I have more:

    - when we've shot the last bubble we have, it would be cool to have the possibility to use a bonus bubble if we want. For example it happened quite often that I reached the roof of the level using my last bubble, and after this I wanted to use the golden hat bonus to finish but I couldn't because it was over.

    - the informations in the game are not clear enough: for example during the pot of gold event I got the ticket to participate but then nothing new, the information disappeared, it would have been nice to have it written somewhere like in the "special event bar" on the left. Same thing for the pot itself, once I did the 5th level everything disappeared so I was not sure if everything was validated and also when I would get the reward. And right now there is another example: I'm 3 or 4 levels away from the last available level in the game and I can see on the top "finish the game to participate in leo's cup" but there is no other information, I have no idea was this is ?

    - some levels like 1610 are very difficult, it's a problem since the beginning but standard levels are often very very hard while levels marked as difficult are quite ok, the logic is weird ..

    - when the is the competition where we have to be the first to reach the last level of the chapter, we only have the information of the current ranking but we don't know where the other players actually are. For example I'm currently 2nd in that ranking and close to the last level (1620). However I would like to know on which level the 1st player is and on which the 3rd is. Do I have to hurry ? can I wait a bit ?

    - for the golden pot event I made the math, I received 20 gold bars and the number of players who won was something like 23 600, the final result wasn't 500 000 ;)

    - general comment about special event: often they are soo hard that in fact we use at least as much bonus bubbles as we can win by doing the event, for example for the golden pot, except for the 20 gold bars, the bonus bubbles I won doing the 5th level just compensated more or less what I used to reach the 5th level. So, usually when there is no golden pot the total benefit of these events is 0 :(
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,407
    Sh'es getting a lot of tags so you might just see a hat buried under posts lol. I will pass this on :) 
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    edited June 2019
    Hello @kaiser1618, how are you doing?  :3
    (Thanks for this, @Chicken Slayer )

    Thanks for taking the time to write all these feedback! It's really helpful to us! I'll make sure your word is passed to the relevant team. We're already aware of some of your points and our Studio is currently looking at ways to improve in these areas... Unfortunately, that is not always possible to implement, or at least not quickly.

    Regarding the pot of Gold, it's because we had 24360 players who completed the event which means we gave out 20 Gold Bars per player.

    Thanks and please, keep them coming ;) 

  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    QueenMia said:
    Hello @kaiser1618, how are you doing?  :3
    (Thanks for this, @Chicken Slayer )

    Regarding the pot of Gold, it's because we had 24360 players who completed the event which means we gave out 20 Gold Bars per player.

    Thanks and please, keep them coming ;) 

    I completed the event

    but, i haven't received the gold.

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Hey @phi1ar I can see it has now been added to your game ;) Enjoy!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?