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Badge/medal rewards

MNeal3 Posts: 17

Level 2

I am still having issues with the reward amounts. only getting 50 fairy dust every time. I am playing on my Dell laptop, thru the Facebook portal. I was told at one point to make sure i cleared cookies, but that made it worse. Please help. Tried going to link from Queen Mia's post about badge issues and it wouldn't let me go to page. I play this game every day and is my way to relax.. and well I know it's silly, but this is stressing me out. I just want this to be fixed.


  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Hello @MNeal3 and really sorry for the delay in the response. 

    Do you by any chance play on 2 different devices? Cause that could cause the problem. 
    If not, please let me know your game ID as well as the device/platform you're playing on for us to be able to investigate. 

    Please make sure you have the latest version of the game installed as well - Let me know which one you have.

    Thank you :star: 
  • asmiedarazak
    asmiedarazak Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hi! I also have the same issues. The reward just 50 while actually it supposed to be more . 
  • asmiedarazak
    asmiedarazak Posts: 3

    Level 1

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416
    Hi @asmiedarazak and welcome to the community! Could you let us know which device you are playing on please, operating system and app version if applicable and I will tag @QueenMia and see if we can get an update on it too :)
  • asmiedarazak
    asmiedarazak Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hi! I’m using iPhone 6 iOS 12.4.1 . Now it even worst I can’t even play the after I update the games. 1stly it play slow motion and now when I open the games it got stuck . I can’t even click play. 🤦‍♀️
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416
    Hi @asmiedarazak It might be the iphone as the 6 is quite old now and therefore the specs are a lot lower for what the game needs. It might not be but I suspect it could be with the other problems. 
    Firstly we can try some troubleshooting though. Have you checked the app store for updates? And if updated is that any better?
    Are you connected to either the Kingdom or Facebook to save progress? And do you have any saved boosters?
    I would suggest as long as your progress is backed up somewhere, that you uninstall the game and any other apps you no longer use now. Restart your phone and reinstall the app. Log back in with your user details and see if that works any better.
    The reason I asked about boosters though is reinstalling will lose them as they are saved on your phone not within the game, but if you cannot play it, you won't be able to use them anyway. If that doesn't work can you find the game app version for me as well please :)

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?