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How is it fair

How is it fair that when you start a new Fairy Dash that someone is already 10 levels ahead of you when you've only just been able to join it, hardly fair!


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @Lesley-6 Hope you are having a nice day/evening :)

    I have also noticed this in my game!  Let me tag the Bubble Witch game In-charge @QueenRaffie :+1: 

    Hopefully, she will be able to give us some insight into this!!  

    They are just coming back from the weekend!  Hence, please wait to receive a reply as they might have to take care of many things!!  

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!  Have a great rest of the day =)
  • Noticed this too, doesn't prevent me from being 1st sometimes B)
  • Lesley-6
    Lesley-6 Posts: 379
    This time I'm starting a new Fairy Dash and somebody has already finished, it's beyond a joke, we should all be starting at the same level. On a similar vein, I've started another wake up the tree and the two randomly picked players aren't even playing, these two issues of unfairness need to be sorted
  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,124
    Hello everyone! 

    I totally understand that it seems weird that we you join an event and then suddenly you see other players ahead of you. 
    What happens is that those players were playing offline and when they connected their game it was updated. That is why you see them jumping suddenly.  No bugs no stranger things  ;)

    On the other hand @Lesley-6 about the Wake up the tree and players not playing, you can find my answer here 

    Have a Bubblicious day :3

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?