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Pot of gold

Never tried this pot of gold before thought I would give it a go just for something different than Leo's cup. I wont do it again what on earth is the point if keep dropping you back levels if you don't complete the level you should be able to continue re trying untill its completed. Sooo annoying 🙈🙈 this ones not for me. Trickster candy Is the best one but I have only ever been given this challenge once


  • katking
    katking Posts: 13

    Level 2

    I totally agree with you! I now ignore these games as you almost get to the last one only to lose it then go back one game. It's gets very boring. Tricksies is the best one like you say but the last 2 times I've played it I didn't get my prizes! Not everyone gets to play all the promo games which is unfair. I've never had the magic tree feature! Hopefully you'll get more Tricksies.

  • @katking yes its disheartening I would like to play more promo games but very rare i get any but not ones like this.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    Aw I don't mind them, I think it adds a little more challenge to it. I still prefer the tricksies though, I only relised it was on with 12 hours left at bedtime 🤦‍♀️

  • @Chicken_Slayer I have only ever had it twice would like to see it more instead of pot of gold and Stella's lab

  • TempleKassing
    TempleKassing Posts: 73

    Level 3

    Is it sad that when you guys are talking about the “pot of gold” that I have no clue what that is?!? I’ve only seen Leo’s Cup. 😳

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