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Spell Oven! Not giving out the rewards! Reported to the Studio πŸ‘οΈ

Petz4Ever Posts: 5

Level 1

edited April 2020 in Support

I am glad I do not have to pay for this game. I have been getting the same message, "Spell Oven" I have asked what to do and have checked all the options available to help guide me on how to find a solution. Unfortunately, nothing I have searched has answered my question, I would like for someone to give me a direct answer on how to achieve, correct and / or use this spell. Are you that someone? PLEASE help and Thank You!!

Best Answers

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,285
    Answer βœ“

    Hi all the spell oven is a new feature that is currently being tested it is a feature that enables you to use you're fairy dust to either build or cook spells with it. It will allow you to cook one spell every 24hrs at the moment. The oven can be found if you have it by logging out closing your device then when you go back in check Stella's house if you have it it will be a symbol in the botton right corner. If you dont have it dont worry just follow the steps I have given every now and then as as I said it is in testing stage at the moment and once it is deemed ok it will be slowly rolled out. So please be patient whilst the testing is underway. Hope this help. Have a starlistic day all and stay safe 😷πŸ₯½πŸŽˆπŸŒŸ

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,285
    Answer βœ“

    Hi I have not come across this problem can anyone who has the spell oven tag me on here and let me know if all is ok or you have any issues your feedback is very important as this Is still in the testing stage if there are problems I can raise them for the developers to look at before it Is fully rolled out. Looking forward to your valuable feedback πŸ‘πŸŒŸπŸŒŸ

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,813
    Answer βœ“

    Thanks @KimElston for your support on this πŸ€—

    As mentioned, this is a new feature which is still being tested but your feedback is very helpful so the studio is currently looking in to it and working on improvements. We do not know if we will be able to fix this now, but we will certainly work harder and make sure the next time it's available for testing, you have a better gaming experience ☺️

    Please keep sharing any issues, feedback or ideas and we'll make sure it gets passed on to the Studio.



  • 03421952
    03421952 Posts: 2

    Level 1

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,285

    @Petz4Ever hi πŸ‘‹ what game are you playing πŸ€”

  • Petz4Ever
    Petz4Ever Posts: 5

    Level 1

    I jump around from game to game. Does it make a difference on the game I am playing to access the "Spell in Oven'?

    Where is the oven and how do I activate the spell?

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,285

    @Petz4Ever hi it matters as every game has different features not all will have it so in order to get the help we need to know what game this Is a problem with πŸ€”πŸŒˆπŸŒž

  • Diane_Calderbank
    Diane_Calderbank Posts: 18

    Level 2

    I too keep getting a notification for this, I have no idea what it is. When I open the game there is nothing there. Can anyone help please?

  • Jane_Roberts
    Jane_Roberts Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hi Everyone I Luv Playing Bubble Witch 3 Saga But I Too Keep Getting A Notification About My Oven Spell Is Ready But I Dont Know Where The Oven Is To Get The Spell Please Please Can Someone Help Me As Its Driving Me Nuts & Spoiling My Game Hope Someone Can Help xx

  • Petz4Ever
    Petz4Ever Posts: 5

    Level 1

    Hopefully, this will make it easy to answer... what games WILL access the "Spell Oven" ? THANK YOU!

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,285

    @Jane_Roberts @Petz4Ever please be patient I will come back to πŸ‘πŸŒŸ

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,285

    I will get back to you all who have this issue soon πŸ™‚

  • Jane_Roberts
    Jane_Roberts Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Thankyou That Would Be Great

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