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Hi 🙋♀️ are you amazing witches 🧙♀️ and wizards 🧙♂️ ready for a 3 part contest!!!
Let me explain how this works!
👉 Each contest will run for 2 weeks and offer you a collection of badges along the way 😍
Here is Beat your Mods challenge part 1:
👉 All you have to do is choose any one of the levels above and beat that score! All those that post their higher score will receive this amazing badge...
But wait, that's not all...
4 of you will be chosen at random to receive 40 gold bars 💰added to your game 🥳
Whoop whoop guys are you up for challenging your mods 💪Then Let's get started
You have until Thursday the 19th of August!
Terms & Conditions 👉 here.
@1191970815 @12tHstreet @13monster @21FurandFeatherPets @2damthicc @2muksu @5878896038 @9308230112086ML @aajjtls @aautz1 @AbiB @abauwens @AdamLeOldSport @Adamsd1783 @Adeboye @adrinamadatyan @afresh30 @Aidinpm64 @aijaziqbal @ajauld @alacey @Alami14121412fahad @alanc12345 @AleB @aley319 @Aliceanne_74 @alleydoodle @alotacrazy @Altyrone7088 @alwalter619 @Amara1234 @Ambtom @Amy1284 @Anahita_2005 @Andie79 @Angel_Eyes @Angeleyes67 @Angy1969 @anko_hh @annabell64 @ANNEKE-4 @Annemieke54 @annie165 @april_bby23 @Ardnasak @arian90 @Ariane7950 @ariel2021 @ArriettyM @Ashraf @astong @Athena @athena520 @AuroraTheGoddess @Avideh324 @aweeks6969 @ballcapghost @barbmb @barbscamaro @Bathymaas @Beamy @bella1202 @benswifey08 @berns188 @berrybest1 @Bershie1 @bethanikrista @betternetter @Beverley10 @Beverly825 @Bevette @bidder @bintz18 @birdlover57 @Blky2k @BlueEyedBubble3 @boojum99 @Bookster @bpretty55 @bratts1234 @Brenda84 @BrendaY12 @BrezBre85 @bri_marie @bridgetmassey @brokenangel @Brownbug @bryteyes44 @BubbleGumSoda @BubblificHeaven @Buggi @BULLDOG76 @bumblebee3 @Bunnieofthemoon @butterfly79 @Buttersup @CA530Guy @cabbiecomm @Cadams @candycrushinit @Cangho @CapetownZA @CappyKC @CarliA @carmenechevarria @casey7 @caseyfazel @casperunicorn69 @Cassy2012 @CassD @Cathy1966 @CatSchaBo2 @cbrjones @cece11282003 @CerbeRus777 @chancleta @charal @Chayo19 @Chele88 @Chell0430 @cherie1220 @chimecinder @Chms2000 @chris60 @chrismccracken68 @ChrisMiller @Christiane1960 @christithelion @chrystal7 @Cimplime @cindyballard @cindylouwitchypooh @Cindyterry @cinte @CLKUHNS @cmt @cnichols52 @Cobear3 @colina @Connerml @Connie66 @conny_c @CorkCork @corndragon @coultes @Countrygirl393 @crabapple @crazylagringa14 @Cricket70 @crystalbarker88 @crysterry @Cstoney78 @cte32787 @ctemae @cvb1959 @cyprusgal @dakotagurl98 @dana13dg @danandmonicat @DangerRanger @daniEmmons77 @DaniMiller77 @DaniTheOG @DansBooBurr @darknessangel40 @Darla100 @daughterofanarchy @davahotmail @dawnprather26 @DeannaKgoswick @Debbie6364 @DebbieC89 @debbievelie @Debra_Akins @deckarda2 @Deliajohanna1980 @della803 @dene @Deniseld @desynvr2late @devinboyd @Diane_Calderbank @Die_Ober_Hexe @DieOmimi @djbollo @DJGHOST82 @dlbrause @donewthu2020 @donna215 @Donnaj123 @Doodiebunk @Doogie @dranby @DrGma_Stanley @drvexaminer @dtami @DU123 @Dusty @edowens67 @Eismieze @Ejg21578 @elianaramirez @Elohelay @eltigreataca @eman_mirza @emerrpymail @Emilie_Hook @emily_kiko @EOTheGr8 @eppslisa617 @eri19 @erinleigh2020 @Eva2810 @Evarod9 @eveholman @eyore2003 @Faidz0452 @Fannie48 @farapafa @farmer_giles @fattslim @fattslim60 @feefee45 @FeliciaVezina1 @fernando6 @Fightinblue2u @fineanddandy @flwrchld53 @Fonda_Smith @freckled_shoulders @Frecko @FreddieB7 @Freddy_ @Freja1 @frejon @frerub @frogie
@gabri94 @gar16002 @gardenbabycakes @gatekeeper20 @George_Parfitt @GetHanked @Gi2 @gianna16 @Ginamay @gingin74 @gjkoras @Gladys5d @glenn1957 @Glorybose @gmverdi1976 @gokalsudha @gps2 @Greymane @Gullranka @GumWah @h59elmer @happiness @hargungagan @haucaz @Hayleys @haynhumble07 @hazyeyes74 @hcarswell @headoperations @Heart62 @hebod @hechicerilla @HelenaPires18 @HidyBoo @hildreth @HOLGERBATMAN @HoneyThief @hotchoco26 @HubsouthGorilka @Hutzelmann @Hybrid107 @i2ikombat80 @ibukunBalogun @Idaholove77 @Iffu2 @iluvgames123 @ImAnOutsider12 @indianoutlaw_winter @inprocess97 @IQueEN @isaali58 @ItsTrish24 @itzyman @ivypooh @jacksen @jamiedoolin1033 @JamieW @JanEbell @janet29 @jansplace @janvishubham @Jasminrose @jaweast @Jayamal @Jaydie @jayjay229 @jaylin @jbidness @jeanps @jejo @JelenaZhukova @JenKev0610 @jenmcd99 @jenn_2001 @jenney @Jennnc34 @jennycourt1 @JForshee83 @jimnena90 @Jivetar @jmh3X_1994 @jnjtwo @joansheng @JodiC @johamilton @JoJo75durham @jonesy350 @JordensNaNa @Jordibird @JOSEPH16 @josielu @Joyously01 @jrite @JRN @jueng @JujuHope76 @junelady @Junkpunchr @justapenny @Justin_Burundi @jwellslea @jwhin18 @Kaitrikar @kaleshia123 @kaouther @KateKate77331 @kathyjavorich @kathys321 @Katiebug @kavidaya @kaylcee @kazidawg9 @kbescb @kbirdbird @kdrocks @KEITH_3 @Kellie-2 @Kellie3472 @kelseyvasquez @KennyWilcher @kerlouane @KERRBEAR76 @Ketzergon @keywezzy @Keztinsley101 @Kiababy1212 @kiapaulse @kiara_wael @kikimagoo @kim68 @Kim_Bozek @kimmarie56 @kk10 @klashun @Knocksville @Kricketsarekrunchy @Kris0274 @Kris19 @KristyMarie92 @knuclej @Krzysiek88 @ktmk @kweenb @L_F_Perry @laceymisawa @LadyLei @LADYSASHALYN @Ladyt60 @LadyThor @lagags @LAL66 @lam1000 @lanamsmith80 @Laura_López @Lauriea @LDOgburn @LDSPRO @LeathaPhelps @leener97 @leheakins @Lele54 @Lemurtek @lengesath @Lesley-6 @Lh11965 @lhalha @Libertyissocool @lillieflower123 @lilmamachrislong34 @lilsexy69692 @LilyPie @vkally @linda1958webb @LINDARAZOR1 @Lipsey12 @LisaMarie @littleoldladywho @ljmiller7 @lmjmyhappiness @Logical257 @Lol_N0 @LoriMoore @lotus7806 @Love56 @Lovely2021 @Lrands102 @ltarb110 @LuaPavan @Luchi1 @Lucia1511Aa @Luna68 @lunahouse @lynncumbie @LynnW2 @mad_aisy @Madalena28 @Maff @Maggiej49 @Magicorn @malikaleena @mamasan87 @Manager @mandachas24 @Manie912 @Margo_Holloway @mariah17 @marian1963 @marielag @Mariesel @Marijared @mark35160 @marshwomyn @martagea @maryg1430 @Maryjc @matius_abiroso @maus0707 @maybellie @mbuntin @mdn1 @meanesspam @meanunclesteve @meemahh @megashark @Melansongirl @Melisandre @meme57 @Mer_2016 @Methadras @micdarkaz1969 @Michele4ou @MicheleHogg@milkysara @MilunoSilver @mindy26 @mindylarson19 @minicrashyahoocom19 @misirichards @Missi61 @missy1313 @missywhopoo @mistyrowe42 @MJazzyL @mletuli @mneldo @Mohamed007 @mohdzakiey @mommy2 @momosia @Monetrenua @monnaqie @mono1020 @mooly77 @Moon65 @Moonbeam379 @Morgan_Hepper @mosbacher80 @mosi13 @MountainMom @Mr_B81 @Mr_Peely @mrmrshemi @MrSajadRz @msbrotis1 @MthrOfPearl @muppettuna @muslim @Mystery1966 @mystydaye
Thank you @PrettyBubbles, interesting challenge.
@n8tiveione @naboney @nadsali @Nanayana @Nanna1151 @Nannieof5 @NannyLinda @Nanzo @NashR84 @NaszIsaac77 @nathalie2905caron @naturesquaw @Nenikapaki @nese1947 @nguyenanhduy1591999 @Nilceia @Nix66 @nimitz40 @Nk_sexy1204 @Norma_Mathieson @Norrablomman @nymphadora @o2cool @oceanrush92 @omgitsagaygirl @onyxking87 @otrhona @ounti @Palash_Sarma @Pam_Ramsey @parkesygamer88 @pattyj @paynee @PD987 @Peanutgal @PeeWee_Garner @peincess @penguin123r6 @PennyZ @pepper118 @pequecantoral @perfectly_imperfect @PerfectStorm @phkay @phi1ar @Phoenix79 @Piccollo @pimonte @Pitty_Kitty @PJNew21 @Plaulau @Pooka2 @precious123 @PrettyBubbles @Prettymsdance @Probhodana @Puppe @Pysanka @Queenieg4 @QueenieMcGuire @quianzj77 @raelynn74602 @Raetzman @rahcards @rajdeeptb @ralumley @rararachael85 @rasjr92 @rebelchild @RegansHere @ReneAlen @reshma_2121 @rhamesses @rhondadearmond @rhondagearin67 @Rick1969 @Rixgrlraven @rkd4usc @Robinson21 @Rocko_1 @rocky1997 @romalv @Roman2018 @roo4002 @RReck @ruben19 @rukz @runt64 @Runzwsizzorz @rusty2 @rutgerdewitx @saedhanfy55555 @SAMcat0102 @samd1 @samiyamommy @SammieSweetheart1994 @sanddris92 @Sandyhplay @sandyscove @sarangd @SarLou @sassySarah @SavageMaMaz124 @SavingGrace @scotsgrey63 @Screwchaser @Seija_Gregor @SeraGulersoy0929 @SexcKit @Sexynaenae @sgoass1954 @shado700cc @Shakyalmond @shanai82 @shanda0413 @Shanna_Banana @Sharon_Loose @sharpshooter8888 @shavon @ShayShay89 @shelby_fka_davidson @sherwood1995 @shira17 @shisino @shona1502 @shorty2346 @shrofv @shroomsgrl @Shwh67 @SickBoy13 @silviadelatorre @simmo40 @Sindatur @SiReK @SirWellington @siti_payung @sixxy001 @sjbwhite20 @sjkbeckham @skduwhekskhe @slhamby @slotstarkey @SLPJeep2020 @smacster @Smarties1 @Smatter @smcm6370 @smcmscctc @Snardly @Solomon6 @solsen622 @Speicker1 @srynes01 @Stac_Sue @starcloud2020 @StayFocusedOnUs @stellanoita @stephens004 @Stiffy @stina36 @StuckInATree @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @SueBee717 @suedee @Sukanta_Biswas @sunniskyes @Susancarol @Suzuka @SuzyDoozy @sweets0426 @Sylvia382 @SylwiaRum @taina388 @taito2000 @tankman @TanyaBucel @Taratobin1980 @Tasmeen @TempleKassing @temptressregna8 @teresawallace44 , @Texastornado @TG2022 @The_disaster_1 @theertha__krishna @TheMatrixster @Theodora_Doreta @Thilerges @Tia46vsJd79 @tiannap @tichia @tigsmum @TinaMarie2021 @tinymoore0424 @Tlhbang @tmp1710 @TMStoner1 @Tom999 @tombos @TootyTooty @topblk @TotoAml @traci54 @traveler2007 @treborslady @TreeThom @Trina72 @Trish2420 @Trish517 @tscheip @TugUgly @Tupac19 @twibble87 @Twintiggrz @txmoogie @TXWildflower @ugadawg @ugocent @unicornweis @unitrish1953 @urangel327 @Urmi_Islam @UrsulaClaussen @VampireAngie @_vani_patel_ @vic185053 @vicki01 @Vilminha7 @Vimutisuk @VioletWitch @Vontrae @Vmpyrchik @wedonotconsent @Werner_Cichy @Werti @whereishannaa @whitneyv @wickedassone @williamsdenise36 @wizardguy80 @wizardsense @wordeater @wtiger17470 @wwitch @wykoon @Xaylem @ylia12 @youknewthis @yulisey @ZeeMom @zhengarthur2418 @zJzJ @ZombieNinjaGrrl
Awesome! @PrettyBubbles 👍😄
Good luck! Bubble Witchers! 👍😄
@PrettyBubbles . This sounds like a fun contest and the badge is beautiful. I'm on it now. Thanks for the tag
Here is my entry on level 95✅
Hello there@PrettyBubbles . Such a cute badge. Thank you for tagging me.
@PrettyBubbles who created the beautiful badge I am about to receive?