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I have lost levels on Bubblewitch3 once more

bevderev Posts: 9 Level 2

I also received the comment ""Bubble Witch 3 Saga license is not currently available in your account. Make sure you are signed in to the Microsoft Store and try again. We include the error code if you need it: 0x803F8001." I manged to get the game back but lost around 240 odd levels, I was up to around 2820 and the last photo I took was on 13.07.22 at level 2777

This is the latest I took today 7.11.22 on level 2588. I've played 31 games since it went back to 2557. Doesn't matter what I've tried I can't get it back.

Similar thing has happened before and I went back to 2557. I don't really want to replay them a second time and lose them all again. HELP


  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 24,267 Bubble Witch Moderator

    Hi @bevderev There was a know issue which was down to Microsoft store not king

    If you selectπŸ‘‰ here πŸ‘ˆ you can pick up the chat

    It seems that once you got the error message is why all your levels did not restore

    Please select the contact us tab at the bottom of this page explain what happened ask for your levels to be restored and also add your game ID as without out they can't help you

    Let me know how it goes πŸ‘β­

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