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Kudos to @johamilton for this amazing contest! I am delighted that so many players participated and helped others earn their badges. "Wake the Tree" has always been my favorite feature in BW3S, especially when I get on great teams. I appreciate the players who liked my idea for this contest, but the real genius is how @johamilton designed it!
@johamilton (Jo) pray you're felling well.
Thank you @MountainMom for the contest suggestion. This was made an amazing effort for the players trying to get the beautiful badges.
Hi@johamilton.and @MountainMom
Thank you both for a fun and sleepless nite. I commend you Jo. I don't know how you did it to keep up with everyone's tally.
I would like to also mentioned what a wonderful group of bubblewitch players, that came together and helped with banking the trees. I would have loved to participate with the collection of tree but at the rate I was going I barely made it mysrlf. .
I just hope and pray that all is well with you and your loved ones.