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Monthly missions in BWS3

matteo_90 Posts: 179

@Stella_1 @PrettyBubbles @johamilton It wouldn't be a bad idea to improve BWS3 with monthly missions that give you rewards like boosters,star dust, and unlimited lives. The missions may be clear a certain number of bubbles, use a spell for certain number times, free the certain number of owls, help the ghost in a certain number of rows, defeat Morgana or Wilbur for a certain number of times.

2 votes

Active ยท Last Updated


  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,240

    Hi my friend nice idea

    They are contest types that we do and have done ๐Ÿ’“

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,708
    edited January 28

    Wow! That was bubblific and awesome idea! I also agree and vote this idea! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ˜„

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    @matteo_90 @PrettyBubbles @johamilton @DiamondLim

    Great idea @matteo_90

    It would be really fun to make this interesting by mixing up the missions with a certain number of bubbles, use a spell a certain number times, free a certain number of owls, help the ghost in a certain number of rows upwards, and defeat Morgana or Wilbur a certain number of times.

    The rewards can be based on difficulty for players at different Levels to make everything fair between the players like levels 0-250, 500-1000, 2000-5000 and 6000-10000. Credit would only be given for playing new levels only. Past Levels played do not count.

    0-250: 5 End of Game Bubbles remaining, 250 Owls, 400 Ghost Levels upward, 5 Boosters used, and defeating both Wilber and Morgana 10 times. One submission with all screenshots, so the Admins do not get overwhelmed.

    500-1000: 10 End of Game Bubbles remaining, 250 Owls, 300 Ghost Levels upward, 10 Boosters used, and defeat Morgana 15 times. One submission with all screenshots, so the Admins do not get overwhelmed.

    2000-5000: 15 End of Game Bubbles remaining, 500 Owls, 600 Ghost Levels upward, 15 Boosters used, and defeat Morgana 20 times. One submission with all screenshots, so the Admins do not get overwhelmed.

    6000-10000: 20 End of Game Bubbles remaining, 1000 Owls, 1000 Ghost Levels upward, 20 Boosters used, and defeat Morgana 40 times. One submission with all screenshots, so the Admins do not get overwhelmed.

    Infinity Level to earn all 4 Challenges: All End of Game Bubbles remaining, 2000 Owls, 1500 Ghost Levels upward, 40 Boosters used, and defeat Morgana 100 times.

    Now, that would be a challenge to fulfill those requirements.

    Let the admins figure out the rewards/Badges, Gold Bars or Boosters.

    Note, these are all suggestions and can be modified to however the Admins running the game want to do it.


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?