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Who can spot the differences in both pictures❓️ Stella was having a Super Moon party with some friends and as the moon changed, she noticed other things were changing❗️ What was happening 🤷♀️
The Super Moon party is now over. Can you spot the differences! 👀
➡️➡️ Compare both images and tell us the 8 changes. Please use the spoiler box for your answer 👇️👻
So what are the prizes??
5 Lucky members will be picked at random and will receive 1 Super Color Bomb and 2 Darts 👏
Everyone has a chance to win. 🤞
You have until Friday May 28th,
Hi @Diamond Lim, can you do your wonderful magic? ❤️
Okay! I hope you happy weekend too! @johamilton 😄
Tagging active Bubble Witch 3 Players into spoiler :
(1-9) and (A-F)
@1191970815 , @12tHstreet , @13monster , @21FurandFeatherPets , @2damthicc , @2muksu , @5878896038 , @9308230112086ML , @aajjtls , @aautz1 , @AbiB , @AdamLeOldSport , @Adamsd1783 , @Adeboye , @adrinamadatyan , @afresh30 , @Aidinpm64 , @aijaziqbal , @ajauld , @alacey , @Alami14121412fahad , @alanc12345 , @AleB , @aley319 , @Aliceanne_74 , @alleydoodle , @alotacrazy , @Altyrone7088 , @alwalter619 , @Amara1234 , @Ambtom , @Amy1284 , @Anahita_2005 , @Andie79 , @Angel_Eyes , @Angeleyes67 ,@Angy1969 , @anko_hh , @annabell64 , @ANNEKE-4 , @Annemieke54 , @annie165 , @april_bby23 , @Ardnasak , @arian90 @Ariane7950 , @ariel2021 , @ArriettyM , @Ashraf , @astong , @Athena , @athena520 , @AuroraTheGoddess , @Avideh324 , @aweeks6969 , @ballcapghost , @barbmb , @barbscamaro , @Bathymaas ,@Beamy ,@bella1202 , @benswifey08 , @berns188 ,@berrybest1 , @Bershie1 , @bethanikrista , @betternetter , @Beverly825 , @Bevette , @bintz18 , @birdlover57 , @Blky2k , @BlueEyedBubble3 , @boojum99 , @Bookster , @bpretty55 , @bratts1234 , @Brenda84 , @BrendaY12 , @BrezBre85 , @bri_marie , @bridgetmassey , @Brownbug , @bryteyes44 , @BubbleGumSoda ,@BubblificHeaven , @BULLDOG76 ,@bumblebee3 , @Bunnieofthemoon , @butterfly79 , @Buttersup , @CA530Guy , @cabbiecomm ,@Cadams ,@candycrushinit, @Cangho ,@CapetownZA ,@CappyKC , @CarliA ,@carmenechevarria , @casey7 , @caseyfazel , @casperunicorn69 , @Cassy2012 , @CassD , @Cathy1966 , @cece11282003 , @CerbeRus777 , @chancleta , @charal ,@Chayo19 , @Chele88 , @Chell0430 , @cherie1220 , @chimecinder , @Chms2000 , @chris60 . @chrismccracken68 , @chrystal7 , @Cimplime , @cindyballard @cindylouwitchypooh , @Cindyterry , @cinte , @CLKUHNS , @cmt , @cnichols52 , @Cobear3 , @colina , @Connerml , @conny_c , @CorkCork , @corndragon , @Countrygirl393 , @crabapple , @crazylagringa14 ,@Cricket70 , @crystalbarker88 , @crysterry , @Cstoney78 , @cte32787 , @ctemae , @cvb1959 , @cyprusgal , @dakotagurl98 , @dana13dg , @danandmonicat , @DangerRanger , @daniEmmons77 , @DaniMiller77 , @DaniTheOG , @DansBooBurr , @darknessangel40 , @Darla100 , @daughterofanarchy , @davahotmail , @DeannaKgoswick ,@Debbie6364 ,@DebbieC89 , @debbievelie , @Debra_Akins @deckarda2 , @della803 , @dene ,@Deniseld , @desynvr2late , @devinboyd , @Diane_Calderbank , @Die_Ober_Hexe , @DieOmimi , @djbollo , @DJGHOST82 , @dlbrause , @donewthu2020 , @donna215 , @Donnaj123 , @Doodiebunk , @Doogie , @dranby , @DrGma_Stanley , @drvexaminer , @dtami , @DU123 , @Dusty , @edowens67 , @Eismieze , @Ejg21578 , @elianaramirez , @Elohelay , @eltigreataca ,@eman_mirza , @emerrpymail , @Emilie_Hook , @emily_kiko , @eppslisa617 , @eri19 , @erinleigh2020 , @Eva2810 , @Evarod9 , @eveholman ,@eyore2003 , @Faidz0452 , @Fannie48 , @farapafa , @farmer_giles ,@fattslim60 ,@feefee45 , @FeliciaVezina1 , @fernando6 , @Fightinblue2u , @fineanddandy , @Fonda_Smith , @freckled_shoulders , @Frecko , @FreddieB7 , @Freddy_ , @Freja1 , @frejon , @frerub , @frogie ,
(G - L)
@gabri94 , @gar16002 , @gardenbabycakes , @gatekeeper20 ,@George_Parfitt ,@Gi2 , @gianna16 , @Ginamay , @gingin74 , @gjkoras , @Gladys5d , @glenn1957 , @Glorybose , @gmverdi1976 , @gokalsudha , @gps2 , @Greymane , @Gullranka , @GumWah , @h59elmer , @happiness , @hargungagan ,@haucaz ,@Hayleys , @haynhumble07 , @hazyeyes74 , @hcarswell , @Heart62 , @hebod , @HelenaPires18 , @HidyBoo , @HoneyThief , @hotchoco26 ,@HubsouthGorilka , @Hutzelmann , @i2ikombat80 , @ibukunBalogun , @Idaholove77 , @iluvgames123 , @ImAnOutsider12 ,@indianoutlaw_winter , @inprocess97 , @IQueEN , @isaali58 , @ItsTrish24 , @itzyman , @ivypooh , @jacksen , @jamiedoolin1033 , @JamieW , @JanEbell , @janet29 , @jansplace , @Jasminrose , @jaweast, @Jayamal , @Jaydie , @jayjay229 , @jaylin , @jbidness , @jejo , @JelenaZhukova , @JenKev0610 , @jenmcd99 , @jenn_2001 , @jenney , @Jennnc34 , @jennycourt1 , @JForshee83 , @jimnena90 , @Jivetar , @jmh3X_1994 , @jnjtwo , @joansheng , @JodiC , @johamilton , @JoJo75durham , @jonesy350 , @JordensNaNa , @Jordibird , @JOSEPH16 , @josielu , @Joyously01 , @jrite , @JRN , @jueng , @JujuHope76 , @junelady , @Junkpunchr , @justapenny , @Justin_Burundi, @jwellslea , @jwhin18 , @Kaitrikar , @kaleshia123 , @kaouther , @KateKate77331 , @kathyjavorich , @kathys321 , @Katiebug , @kavidaya ,@kaylcee , @kazidawg9 , @kbescb , @kbirdbird , @kdrocks , @KEITH_3 , @Kellie-2 , @Kellie3472 ,@KennyWilcher , @kerlouane , @KERRBEAR76 , @Ketzergon , @keywezzy , @Keztinsley101 , @Kiababy1212 , @kiapaulse , @kiara_wael , @kikimagoo , @kim68 , @Kim_Bozek , @kimmarie56 , @kk10 , @Knocksville , @Kricketsarekrunchy , @Kris0274 , @Kris19 , @KristyMarie92 , @Krzysiek88 , @ktmk ,@kweenb , @L_F_Perry , @laceymisawa , @Lady_Choo , @LadyLei , @LADYSASHALYN , @Ladyt60 , @LadyThor , @lagags , @LAL66 , @lam1000 , @lanamsmith80 , @Laura_López , @Lauriea , @LDOgburn , @LDSPRO , @LeathaPhelps , @leener97 , @leheakins , @Lemurtek , @lengesath , @Lesley-6 , @Lh11965 ,@Libertyissocool , @lillieflower123 , @lilmamachrislong34 , @lilsexy69692 , @LilyPie @vkally , @linda1958webb , @LINDARAZOR1 , @Lipsey12 , @LisaMarie , @littleoldladywho , @ljmiller7 , @lmjmyhappiness , @Lol_N0 , @LoriMoore ,@lotus7806 , @Love56 , @Lovely2021 ,@Lrands102 , @LuaPavan , @Luchi1 ,@Lucia1511Aa , @Luna68 , @lunahouse , @lynncumbie , @LynnW2
(M - Z)
@mad_aisy , @Madalena28 , @Maff ,@Maggiej49 , @Magicorn , @malikaleena , @mamasan87 , @Manager , @mandachas24 , @Manie912 , @Margo_Holloway , @mariah17 , @marian1963 , @marielag , @Mariesel , @Marijared , @mark35160 ,@marshwomyn , @maryg1430 , @Maryjc , @matius_abiroso , @maus0707 , @maybellie , @mbuntin , @mdn1 , @meanesspam , @meanunclesteve , @meemahh , @megashark , @Melansongirl , @Melisandre , @meme57 , @Mer_2016 , @Methadras , @micdarkaz1969 , @MicheleHogg ,@milkysara , @MilunoSilver , @mindy26 , @mindylarson19 , @misirichards , @Missi61 , @missy1313 , @mistyrowe42 , @MJazzyL , @mletuli , @mneldo , @Mohamed007 , @mohdzakiey , @mommy2 , @momosia , @Monetrenua ,@monnaqie ,@mooly77 , @Moon65 , @Moonbeam379 , @Morgan_Hepper , @mosbacher80 , @mosi13 , @MountainMom , @Mr_Peely ,@mrmrshemi , @msbrotis1 , @MthrOfPearl , @muppettuna , @muslim , @Mystery1966 , @mystydaye , @n8tiveione , @naboney , @nadsali ,@Nanna1151, @Nannieof5 , @NannyLinda , @Nanzo , @NashR84 , @NaszIsaac77 ,@nathalie2905caron @naturesquaw , @nese1947 , @nguyenanhduy1591999 , @Nilceia , @Nix66 , @nimitz40 , @Nk_sexy1204 , @Norma_Mathieson , @Norrablomman , @nymphadora , @o2cool , @oceanrush92 , @omgitsagaygirl @onyxking87 , @otrhona , @ounti , @Pam_Ramsey , @parkesygamer88 , @pattyj , @paynee , @PD987 , @Peanutgal , @PeeWee_Garner ,@peincess , @penguin123r6 , @pepper118 , @pequecantoral , @perfectly_imperfect , @PerfectStorm ,@phkay , @phi1ar , @Phoenix79 , @Piccollo , @pimonte , @PJNew21 , @Plaulau , @Pooka2 , @precious123 , @PrettyBubbles , @Prettymsdance , @Probhodana , @PummyRaj , @Puppe , @Pysanka , @Queenieg4 , @QueenieMcGuire , @raelynn74602 , @Raetzman , @rajdeeptb , @rararachael85 , @rasjr92 , @rebelchild , @RegansHere , @ReneAlen , @reshma_2121 , @rhamesses , @rhondadearmond , @rhondagearin67 , @Rick1969 , @Rixgrlraven , @rkd4usc , @Robinson21 @Rocko_1 ,@rocky1997 , @romalv , @Roman2018 , @roo4002 , @RReck , @rukz , @runt64 , @Runzwsizzorz , @rusty2 , @rutgerdewitx , @saedhanfy55555 , @SammieSweetheart1994 , @sanddris92 , @Sandyhplay , @sandyscove , @sarangd , @SarLou , @sassySarah , @SavageMaMaz124 , @SavingGrace , @scotsgrey63 , @Screwchaser , @Seija_Gregor , @SeraGulersoy0929 , @SexcKit , @Sexynaenae , @sgoass1954 , @shado700cc , @Shakyalmond , @shanai82 , @shanda0413 , @Sharon_Loose , @sharpshooter8888 , @shavon , @ShayShay89 , @shelby_fka_davidson , @sherwood1995 , @shira17 , @shisino , @shona1502 , @shorty2346 , @shrofv , @shroomsgrl , @Shwh67 , @SickBoy13 , @silviadelatorre , @simmo40 ,@Sindatur , @SiReK , @SirWellington , @siti_payung , @sixxy001 , @sjbwhite20 , @sjkbeckham , @skduwhekskhe , @slhamby ,@slotstarkey , @SLPJeep2020 , @smacster , @Smarties1 , @Smatter , @smcm6370 , @smcmscctc , @Snardly , @Solomon6 , @solsen622 , @Sour_Apples , @Speicker1 , @srynes01 , @Stac_Sue , @starcloud2020 , @StayFocusedOnUs , @stellanoita , @stephens004 , @Stiffy , @stina36 , @StuckInATree , @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e , @SueBee717 , @suedee , @Sukanta_Biswas , @sunniskyes , @Susancarol @Suzuka , @SuzyDoozy , @sweets0426 , @Sylvia382 , @SylwiaRum , @taina388 , @taito2000 , @tankman , @TanyaBucel , @Taratobin1980 , @Tasmeen , @TempleKassing , @temptressregna8 , @teresawallace44 , @Texastornado , @TG2022 , @The_disaster_1 , @theertha__krishna , @TheMatrixster , @Theodora_Doreta , @Thilerges , @Tia46vsJd79 , @tiannap , @tigsmum , @TinaMarie2021 , @tinymoore0424 , @Tlhbang , @tmp1710 , @TMStoner1 , @Tom999 , @tombos, @TootyTooty , @topblk , @TotoAml , @traci54 , @traveler2007 , @treborslady , @TreeThom , @Trina72 , @Trish2420 , @Trish517 , @tscheip , @TugUgly , @Tupac19 , @twibble87 , @Twintiggrz , @txmoogie , @TXWildflower , @ugadawg , @ugocent , @unicornweis , @unitrish1953 , @urangel327 , @Urmi_Islam , @UrsulaClaussen , @VampireAngie , @_vani_patel_ , @vic185053 , @Vilminha7 , @Vimutisuk , @VioletWitch , @Vmpyrchik , @wedonotconsent , @Werti , @whitneyv , @wickedassone , @williamsdenise36 , @wizardguy80 , @wizardsense , @wordeater , @wtiger17470 , @wwitch , @Xaylem , @ylia12 , @youknewthis , @yulisey , @ZeeMom ,@zhengarthur2418 , @zJzJ , @ZombieNinjaGrrl
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Let's have some fun guys
How good are your eyes 👀💓
I hope I have this right
1. Own Left face of which Left of tree.
2. Stella's Belt is large.
3. On the right face color on tree change
4. Bubble on Right Bottom changed Color.
5. At the top of the bubbles A green bubble under Stella.
6. Cat on Left changed color.
7. Cat On the right Now has star On hand.
8. On left Bush behind cat's head larger.
1. Stella's belts are different shape
2. Trees on the right have different color faces
3. Floating cats have different color eyes
4. Floating cats are different colors
5. Bottom right bubbles different color
6. Pile of bubbles on bottom have green bubble not top
7. Black cats with the hat..one has a star one don't.
8. Stella's belts are also different color
The 8 differences I spotted are:
1. Puck has changed color-- fur, eyes and inside of ears.
2. The color of Stella's belt has changed from purple to pink.
3. Stella's belt buckle has increased in size
4. A green bubble has been replaced by a Sparkling Blast booster
5. The color of the Magic Beam booster has changed from blue to teal (or cyan).
6. A Bat Bubble has been added on the left side of the picture.
7. The color of the "smile" on the "face" on the tree on the right side of the picture has changed from red to purple.
8. The star is missing from Nero's hand.
2. The color of the smile on the face on the tree on right side has changed from red to purple.
3. A bat bubble has been added to the left side of the picture.
4.Magic beam booster color has changed from blue to teal.
5.Green bubble replaced with a. Sparkling blast booster.
6.Stellas belt buckle has increase in size.
7.Stellas belt color changed from purple to Pink.
8.Puck has changed colors of fur Red to brown and eyes from orange to green an inside of his ears was pink and turned light green .