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Why is the Debug Menu on the BWS3 screens? - Fixed!



  • R3volut1on
    R3volut1on Posts: 36

    Level 3

    Hi everyone, I also have the same problem and I play from a desktop computer with windows 10. I didn't understand how to solve the problem without losing my saves. I had reached the 1901 level.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    Hi @R3volut1on please check your app/play store and select the update that is pending this will clear it for you

    You won't loose anything from your game 👍

  • whitepanther
    whitepanther Posts: 5

    Level 2

    R3volut1on I went to microsoft store and up-dated from the bubble which 3 game there

  • R3volut1on
    R3volut1on Posts: 36

    Level 3

    Thanks for the update, it asks me to continue playing even if I am not connected. Is this a temporary situation? Thanks for your support

  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 57,938

    Finally all issues were resolved @whitepanther and @R3volut1on and we can enjoy the game.

    We should always report bizzard issues as soon as possible to assist in their resolution.

  • Robned
    Robned Posts: 24

    Level 3

    Also had the issue (win 10). Had to remove and reinstall as only way. Then connected to facebook to restore level. How ever it cost a good collection of bombs including a recent rainbow bomb from Flynn. Is there any way one can get bombs back?

  • kimbok
    kimbok Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Just to add my voice to the crowd. :-) It's been happening to me since yesterday too.

    No joy from FB or Twitter, so I'm glad that the issue is acknowledged here.

    Looking forward to the fix.

    Cheers, kimbok.

  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 57,938
    edited July 2022

    Hi @Robned

    The proper procedure requires to sent a screenshot of your bombs to your CM or mod get their approval and then reinstall. Try to contact them you may get something back

  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 57,938

    Hi @kimbok

    The solution to the problem is to download the recent game update from Microsoft Store

  • kimbok
    kimbok Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Excellent :-) Update done, works like a charm. Thank you so much! :-)

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