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🚫 Know Issue (FIXED)! Cannot play level 5605. The game freezes when I start the level (FIXED)!



  • eviita1992
    eviita1992 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    HOLA!! Me pasa lo mismo...

    Me podeis ayudar???

    Mi ID 2701634441, gracias de ante mano.

  • yisha
    yisha Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I am having the same problems with 5605. Does anything helped. I have tried all suggestions

  • batmomma
    batmomma Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I'm having the same problem as many others on level 5605 freezing up. Will there be an update soon? Thanks!

    My ID is 4924129068.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,354

    Hi guys sorry the fix is taking a little longer than first anticipated I will go see if we have a further update for youπŸ’“

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836

    Thank you all for your patience while the studio is working on a spell to improve the level!

    If you have provided your Game ID, keep an eye on your game as we have passed them for the studio to manually get you past the level so you can continue playing.

    If you haven't shared your Game ID yet, HERE is how you can find and get back to us with the ID so we can pass it on to the studio and get you back in your game πŸ˜‰

  • Ricky04
    Ricky04 Posts: 0


    Issue with 5605 not fixed. 5th of July! I have updated, logged out 5 times and still no FIX. Even uninstalled or reinstalled. After the first throw, everything freezes

  • Joe96
    Joe96 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hello BW team,

    the BW3 freezes at level 5605 after shooting the first bubble. Your advice is to lock out, switch off the mobile. After a restart and lock in the game should work.

    I created a password for BW3 long ago and so I do not know it anymore. I store my play in facebook, and I read that you do not support BW3 on facebook. What will happen if I lock out and later I cannot lock in again. How can I reset the password?



  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,354

    Hi @Joe96 No you will no longer receive updates playing with Facebook

    To continue you need to be playing none Facebook with windows 10 or using a mobile

    You will need to download your game on either platform and follow the instructions πŸ‘β­

  • FabiolaP
    FabiolaP Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hello, I have the same issue at level 5605. I can’t play, the game get freezed.

    Can you please help me? My ID is 1026189755.

    Thanks a lot

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