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How do you rate the value 2pts of a milestone badge?

On March 16 2022 I earned the BWS3 Level 5000 badge and 2pts

Since I am near Level 6000 I thought to have a poll about the value of 2pts for a milestone badge. 

Personally I believe the value is very low for an accomplishment that requires 5-6 months to complete 1000 levels or 170-200 levels per month.  

Let’s see some examples from other badges that require less effort:

1.      The monthly badge for all players gives 2pts and it takes a few minutes to earn it.

So in 5-6 months you can earn 10-12pts investing half an hour instead of 2pts with a milestone badge.

2.      Community  master chef badge for all players gives 1pt and it takes a few minutes to earn it, a low value

3.      BWS3 I love Leo badge 5pts in 1 day a fair value in comparison with #1

4.      BWS3 I love Puck badge 10pts in 1 day a double value in comparison with #3

5.      BWS3 I love Lyra badge 10pts in 1 day a double value in comparison with #3

6.      BWS3 Team Wilbur badge 5pts a fair value for a participation badge

7.      BWS3 Sandcastle Genius badge 10pts a low value for the effort need to earn it after #6

8.     BWS3 Owl 40 New Levels badge 10pts a fair value to complete 40 levels in 4 weeks

9.      BWS3 Bat 80 New Levels badge 10pts a fair value to complete 40 levels in 4 weeks

10.   BWS3 Beetle 120 New Levels badge 10pts a fair value to complete 40 levels in 4 weeks

I don’t understand why # 4 and 5 give 10pts instead of 5pts like #3.

I also believe that the pts assigned to a badge should be proportional to the effort required to earn it.

cc @johamilton @PrettyBubbles @Minatozaki

@Diamond_Lim please tag the BWS3 family

How do you rate the value 2pts of a milestone badge? 26 votes

very low value
50% 13 votes
low value
26% 7 votes
fair value
7% 2 votes
value doesn't matter
15% 4 votes


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