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Levels 1500+ too difficult



  • lam1000
    lam1000 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Level 1580 with 4740 stars

  • kaiser1618
    kaiser1618 Posts: 268
    lam1000 it's not very interesting, I think you use MANY boosters at every single level ..

    Also I finally completed 1564 using 9 gold bars (for 5 more shots), 1 sparkling blast, 2 stero bolt, that's clearly too much to complete a single level.
  • ChiefHarris
    ChiefHarris Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I'm currently on level 1534.  Have never made a purchase.  Just use what power ups come through playing.  It is possible to beat the higher levels (at least through 1533).  Just have to keep trying.  Some have taken me several days.
  • Pinnie
    Pinnie Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hi I’m on level 1610. Feel quite pleased to have reached there. Just have to keep on keeping on 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    Welcome @ChiefHarris and @Pinnie and well done. I think that is a good attitude to have, I do the same :) 
  • ramshead
    ramshead Posts: 28

    Level 3

    Pinnie said:
    Hi I’m on level 1610. Feel quite pleased to have reached there. Just have to keep on keeping on 
    Level 1610 is becoming one of those unbeatable levels where I am about to quit this game. 

  • Sh
    Sh Posts: 20

    Level 3

    1610 sucks!
  • kaiser1618
    kaiser1618 Posts: 268
    edited September 2019

    And after 24 hours with plenty of tries : 

    Still 0/20... This event is impossible as I said. Really guys, having an event to win boosters where you can't even START the 2nd step is just a huge nonsense .. 

    I up this topic again because it seems that nothing has changed ...

    I'm trying to do Stella's lab and just as last time I'm completely stuck at the 2nd step. As you can see below I'm at 1/6 stars for the 2nd step (the 1star being an overflow from the 1st step because I made 0 stars during all my tries on the 2nd step). Most of the time I'm out of shots when they are still 4 or 5 birds left. One time when I was very lucky I did 18/21 but that's it. And even if I would win one time it would take soo long that it would still be impossible to complete step 2 and here I don't even talk about step 3 which is impossible to reach anyway.
    It seems that these events are impossible to do above step 1 without using bonus bubbles which is completely stupid as the goal of these events is to win bonus bubbles. If I would try to really finish it using bonus bubbles I would spend far more than I would win at the end, that's insane ...

    Also for those who may ask, as you can see I accumulated a certain number of bonus bubbles and this was only possible because I spend them very carefully, I only use them when I'm sure to finish a level using 1 or 2 max and I never spend them during events where we're supposed to win them because it's nonsense, also most of the time I keep them for very difficult levels. And most of the time I try to win using the golden hat bonus because it's something you can renew (even if sometimes it's long to get one ...).

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?