fill the bucket not working
I noticed earlier today that the number countdown on the fill the bucket was gone. I am now playing Rancid level 3036 and its not working at all. which makes me kind of mad I spent the beans to play. you can see from the screen shot that the countdown in the upper right is gone
WHAT Happened??
My game loaded today (desktop, facebook) and ALL my lives are gone - I had like 600 and all of the events are gone except the wheel - and I was up to 40 something on the other one. also - I am on level 9111 and its giving me tutorials on how to play - REALLY??!!?
Please get rid of the frogs - not for the reason you think
OMG - they make the game so dang slow - either make it faster or get rid of them - THEY DRIVE ME CRAZY being so slow
level 2402 is basically impossible
this level is impossible with 17 moves - unless you use a ton of boosters. ITS NOT EVEN MARKED DIFFICULT - the videos I have seen have 22 moves - so whats up with 17. please fix
new effects - stripped candy - GET RID OF
OMG - they are as annoying as the changing color candies - they hurt my eyes and I truely hate them - please go back. don't mess with what doesn't need fixing
PLEASE get rid of grumpy crops sounds -
OMG - I get to a level with grumpy crops and I just want to quit - it is annoying (I know I could turn the sound off) but my main complaint is it slows the game down way too much - please fix it.
new levels?? and new contest - 90 levels for 50 gold bars
first off - no new levels this week??? and I got a notice when I opened the game that if you pass 90 levels you get 50 gold bars - is that new levels only? if so really not fair for those of us at the end waiting for new
bombs are still not counting like they should on points levels
please fix on computer so updates automatically level 2055 but its not the only one
level 622
please fix - it shuffles when you can make a word and doesn't shuffle when its impossible. its also next to impossible to get 3 stars on. You can't start with Barney because there is only one tile that isn't in a vine or codice. I'm going back to get 3 stars on all of the levels while waiting for hopefully new levels.
another scoring glitch - level 2053 - bombs counting as reg candies
bombs are counting as regular candies and matching a bomb color with a speckled color bomb does nothing to enhance the score. Matching three bombs of the same color togther only gives you 1000 points - please fix