Tiffi finishes her project
It does take Tiffi too long to find an interesting video. That was a very good video and it explains it very well. So now Tiffi wants to do it on this age but she needs something that she can put on a poster or picture. That’s it! “I’m going to do a pictorial picture just like the earliest writings!” exclaims Tiffi. It…
Elsa and Yeti talk about Woodstock
One day Elsa decides to take a walk through the park. Just up ahead she sees Yeti lounging on a park bench looking at something on his tablet. He must be playing Candy Crush! But then she hears some music so it’s definitely not his game. “Hi Yeti, what are you doing?” asks Elsa. “Isn’t it a beautiful fall day today? The…
How the Vietnam War Empowered the Hippie Movement
‘The hippie counterculture reached its height during the escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam and subsided as the conflict drew to a close. On March 8, 1965, two battalions of U.S. Marines landed on beaches of Da Nang, marking the first official engagement of American troops in the Vietnam War. Over the next several…
Who Were the Hippies?
‘Hippies dancing at a 'Love-In' at the Festival of the Flower Children in the summer of 1967. As the 1950s gave way to the 1960s, the Beats and beatniks gradually gave way to a new kind of counterculture: the hippies, who actually preferred to call themselves “freaks” or “love children.” The hippies were much younger than…
Yeti wants to learn more about hippies
‘Hippie lifestyle - Hippies were largely a white, middle-class group of teenagers and twentysomethings who belonged to what demographers call the baby-boom generation. They felt alienated from middle-class society, which they saw as dominated by materialism and repression. Hippies developed their own distinctive lifestyle,…
Public gatherings and music festivals
‘Be-ins, music festivals, and other public gatherings - Public gatherings—part music festivals, sometimes protests, often simply excuses for celebrations of life—were an important part of the hippie movement. The first “be-in,” called the Gathering of the Tribes, was held in San Francisco in 1967. It initiated the Summer…
Society and change in the 1960s
Aha! There it is! Draft dodgers! She remembers them. “Hey Yeti, I remember how the hippies protested the Vietnam war,” Elsa says. “Many Americans refused to be drafted to fight for something that they didn’t believe in. So, they came to Canada looking for a place to stay so they wouldn’t get drafted. When the war was over…
History of the Woodstock Festival
It’s time to get back on track so Elsa wipes the tears away as she begins to look for articles on Woodstock. “Wow it was over 50 years ago,” Elsa says. “The years sure went by fast! Here is a good article about the Woodstock festival.” ‘Half a million hippies, beatniks, and long-hairs descended upon upstate New York for…
Problems arise
‘Problems Plague The Preparations - The history of Woodstock is riddled with chaotic problems and spontaneous solutions. Once the venue and talent were locked in, logistics became the primary concern. A music festival requires infrastructure, security, and regulation — and Woodstock struggled with all three. In fact,…
Where Was Woodstock?
‘The initial plan for Woodstock called for the event to be held at Howard Mills Industrial Park in Wallkill, New York. Wallkill town officials got spooked, however, and backed out of the deal, passing a law that eliminated any possibility of holding the concert on their turf. Woodstock Ventures explored a few other venues,…