Yeti’s story
Mr. Yeti (A/K/A Yeti) is 900 years old and he is 6’ 6” tall. He was a hefty 800 lbs. He lives in Candy Town and the Chocolate Mountains. He likes high places and loves eating, especially chocolate! He dislikes hunger, alarm clocks and chilli peppers. His niece is Jenny who is also a Yeti. His best friend is Mr. Toffee, but…
Dachs’ story
Dachs is 17 years old (in dog years). His home is in Candy Town. He is brave and fearless. He likes food and sniffing things but dislikes being alone. He is loyal and protective to all his candy crush friends. Endearingly forgetful, lovable, loyal, and always fighting for what is right, Dachs the Donut Dog an original…
Red Rabbit’s story
Red Rabbit is 29 years old and his home is in Lollipop Meadows & Candy Town Farms. He is a wannabe ladies man and an extrovert. He likes music, singing and the ladies but dislikes standing still. He is desperate to find love and romance, but actually clueless. All his brothers and sisters have had lots of romantic success,…
A review of Tiffi’s story
So, let’s learn more about Tiffi’s friends. But before we begin, let’s review Tiffi’s story. Tiffi is 6 years old and she is 2’ 9” tall, or should we say short? In chapter 1 we learned how Tiffi fell down, down, down into the Candy Kingdom. Although she is now living in Candy Town, she has also lived in New Jersey. Yes!…
Chapter 5: The story of our characters with power
Many years ago, Tiffi accidentally fell into the Candy Kingdom and brought chaos into Mr. Toffee's orderly world. After being in the Candy Kingdom for so many years, she has become such a mischievous ball of enthusiasm. Although she eventually wants to get home, she's happy to stick around for adventure, exploration, and,…
It’s a man thing!
Lately it’s been pretty quiet in the game and the players aren’t asking the characters for help. What’s going on? Are the players getting better at the game? Or maybe the players are taking a break since it’s summer in a lot of areas. The lockdowns are starting to lift, and the beaches are getting crowded. Chewy is not too…
Chewy loves the idea
Chewy is so excited that he’s beyond excitement. First he wants to contact Rancid. He wonders if he would leave Rachel for the weekend to do his man thing! “Hi Rancid, Chewy here,” he says. “I was just talking to Yeti and both of us are bored out of our minds because the players are not really requesting us to help them…
Mr. Toffee can’t join them
Yeti contacts Mr. Toffee to find out if he’d be interested in doing a man’s weekend. Unfortunately, Mr. Toffee cannot close the candy store because his customers rely on him to be open on the weekends. He thanks him and said that maybe another time. Yeti is feeling sad that his best friend can’t join him but there will be…
Camping Activities
Camping Activities: Become One with Nature with these Family Camping Activities Part of the joy of camping is being closer to nature. Explore the great outdoors more with these activities. Be sure to respect the area where you are. Don’t disturb or damage the wildlife. • Birdwatching • Animal watching • Nature gathering…
Chocolate Mountains!
Yeti is loving this idea. And then another idea pops into his head. What about hiking! Chocolate Mountains! What a great idea to go hiking there. Yeti thinks that he has all the information of things they can do on their man weekend. He has to call Chewy to share what he found on Google. No answer, so he leaves a voicemail…