Tips for a Novice to Create Sand Sculptures Like a Pro
‘Summer may be coming to a close as kids are heading back to school; but that doesn’t mean the days at the beach are over. If you find yourself exploring a local beach after the summer season; or live at the beach year-round, here are 4 tips for sand sculptures like the pros make. Make the most of household items - You…
It’s beach day!
The week goes fast and it’s now Saturday. The girls are so excited and they can’t wait to meet everyone at the beach. Just as they are walking out the front door Tiffi’s phone rings. It’s Yeti calling. “Hey Tiffi, are you on the way over to the beach?” asks Yeti. “I am bringing a bunch of drinks because we’re bound to get…
Where are the rest of them?
A short time later Olivia and Jean-Luc arrive. “Where’s your brother Jean-Luc,” asks Rancid. “Didn’t he come with you?” Philippe is dragging his feet. Jean-Luc turns around to look for him and finds that he stopped to talk to some people. “Where is everyone?” asks Olivia. “Is this all that could make it here today? Misty…
What a fun day this was!
What am amazing group of friends! If it wasn’t for all the candy crush games would they ever have met? Would they ever have gotten this close without Elsa’s stories? Time to relax and just chill out. The weather is so perfect! They couldn’t have picked a better day to do the beach. The afternoon is coming to an end. “I’m…
Everyone gets soaking wet. Time to change into their swimsuits. Look at how much fun Yeti is having. Oh oh ….. watch out! It looks like Rancid is going to do a cannonball too! The guys better watch out or they will get soaking wet. And it doesn’t end! There goes Philippe and Red Rabbit. Males! Will they ever grow up? The…
Let’s build a Totem pole!
Tiffi and her friends had a great time at the pool party. Yeti seemed to have the best time doing those cannonballs! The weather was perfect! The snacks weren’t too bad either. So what’s next? Tiffi hasn’t heard from Kimmy in a couple of weeks so she decides to give her a call. “Hi Kimmy, are you ok?” asks Tiffi. “Usually…
What are totem poles?
When they get home, they both have some fishies for lunch. Kimmy is exhausted so she decides to take a nap. Tiffi does her usual! Google! She wants to find out some information about totem poles. ‘Totem poles are monuments created by First Nations of the Pacific Northwest to represent and commemorate ancestry, histories,…
History of totem poles
Tiffi really enjoys learning the history for her adventures so she types in history of totem poles and finds an interesting article. ‘From their earliest origins to today, totem poles hold a significant socio-cultural role in many First Nations communities. Most First Nations commemorate the raising of a totem with a totem…
More history
(Picture Source) ‘Eventually, the Haisla learned of the pole’s whereabouts in 1991, and began the long journey of repatriating the pole. The Haisla and the museum negotiated a plan for repatriation: the museum agreed to return the pole, and the Haisla would carve a replacement. Finally, in April 2006, the pole returned to…
Totally terrific totem pole facts
Tiffi is now looking for totem pole facts. Her phone rings and it’s Chewy calling. “Hi Chewy, what’s up?” asks Tiffi. “You’ll never guess who is standing next to me! It’s my sister! She finally came to visit me. She’s staying for a couple of weeks so she’ll be able to join us in our summer adventures. I’m googling now to…