My daughter as Wednesday Addams, and hubbys amazing window. It took hours and hours as everything was drawn freehand before being transferred onto card and cut out with a knife...on a way too small table too!
I'll just leave this right here! (I had more lights attached but forgot to switch them on for this photo!) I was right, it was cold enough to snow here-we all froze taking the l'il cherubs trick or treating 😉
Hello everyone and a huge thank you for sharing your amazing costumes with us!!! You guys are amazing and since you all have awesome outfits, you ALL receive 30 minutes of unlimited lives!
But, I'm afraid there can be only one winner and I have to say that it was really tight and it was hard for us to decide... But the winner is... **drum**... @nicely19
Nicely19, well done, you really cracked us up and you won 30 Gold Bars Congratulations!!
@Aitch very well done on your costume, have you made it yourself?