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Prizes from the Quests

PummyRaj Posts: 36,088 Candy Moderator
edited November 2018 in Support

I wasn't sure which category does this  belong!  Hence I am posting in the "Support" category :)

So, my observation is:: from the Quests, sometimes we receive the booster of "Jelly Fish" or "Coloring Candy" or "Wrapped Candy" FOR FEW HOURS.  I received all these either for 1 or 2 hours.  (I am hoping +2 h means 2 hours).  But, none of those boosters stayed in the game that long but only for 2 turns!!

Did I get confused?  Did any of you notice it or did this happen to anybody else?  Is there a fix for this?

Best Answer

  • JustPlaying
    JustPlaying Posts: 4,196 Level 5
    Answer ✓
    Hi @Pummy Raj those quests give pieces which you need to collect. You need to collect the required amount get the 2+ hours. In this example I collected enough for a friendly fish for 2 hours and 3 pieces towards the 30 I need for the next 1. I will now have a timer on my character select screen like Queen Mia posted above. Lollipops do not have timers and are 1 time use.


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