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Trivia Central!



  • Joseph45
    Joseph45 Posts: 1,582 Level 5
    edited April 2019
    Very interesting facts everyone! Here’s another one! Did you know that the longest nonstop flight you can take today is more than 18 hours nonstop?! The flight is from Newark, New Jersey to Singapore nonstop. The flight is operated by Singapore Airlines and covers more than 9500 miles! That sounds pretty long if you ask me! 
  • MiaChristine
    MiaChristine Posts: 3,328 Legend

    Diamond Rain May Fill Skies of Jupiter and Saturn

    Sounds crazy, right?

    Here’s what happens (or so say the science people!). Jupiter and Saturn comprise a massive amount of methane gas in their atmospheres, which when struck by lightning, turns into ‘soot’. Now, when soot falls from upper atmosphere, the intense pressure of gas combined with crazy proportions of heat, turn it into super precious stones.

    Dr. Kevin Baines, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, stated that “Once you get down to those extreme depths, the pressure and temperature is so hellish, there’s no way the diamonds could remain solid.”Hence, the melt-down near the core, resulting in the dramatic ‘rain’. Get the picture now?

    But not having been there, how can we be so sure of it? Because, “It all boils down to the chemistry. And we think we’re pretty certain,”Dr. Baines, also adding the fact that one thousand tonnes of diamonds are being created on Saturn, every single year!

    Although diamonds on Earth are rare, extraterrestrial diamonds(diamonds formed outside of Earth) are very common.

  • MiaChristine
    MiaChristine Posts: 3,328 Legend

    Diamond Rain May Fill Skies of Jupiter and Saturn

    Sounds crazy, right?

    Here’s what happens (or so say the science people!). Jupiter and Saturn comprise a massive amount of methane gas in their atmospheres, which when struck by lightning, turns into ‘soot’. Now, when soot falls from upper atmosphere, the intense pressure of gas combined with crazy proportions of heat, turn it into super precious stones.

    But not having been there, how can we be so sure of it? Because, “It all boils down to the chemistry. And we think we’re pretty certain,”Dr. Baines, also adding the fact that one thousand tonnes of diamonds are being created on Saturn, every single year!

    Although diamonds on Earth are rare, extraterrestrial diamonds(diamonds formed outside of Earth) are very common.

  • wafercookieflippers
    wafercookieflippers Posts: 4,637 Legend
    Despite celebrating Easter for decades now, I had no idea until today how "they" came up with the date that Easter Sunday would be celebrated. I figured it was based on Passover. 

    And I was wrong. It's actually based on the moon. Seriously.

    The Church ("they") decided that Easter should be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full "Paschal" moon.

    The Paschal full moon is the first full moon on or after March 21. March 21 is the Spring Equinox. Easter therefore always falls between March 22 and April 25. It seemed late this year to me (and maybe to many of you) because apparently this is the latest Easter can get! 

    Happy Easter everyone! 

  • MiaChristine
    MiaChristine Posts: 3,328 Legend
    edited April 2019
    Wow... very interesting @wafercookieflippers I had not heard that. 
  • Joseph45
    Joseph45 Posts: 1,582 Level 5
    edited April 2019
    Hello guys! Here is something that I find very interesting! Did you know that people saw the planet Uranus before we even saw Antarctica? In fact, Uranus was discovered in 1781, and Antarctica was not discovered until almost 40 years later in 1820! Weird how people saw another planet before seeing another continent on our own planet. 
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,110 Sweet Legend
    @Joseph45 This actually tells us a lot about human race!
  • Joseph45
    Joseph45 Posts: 1,582 Level 5
    Another fun fact for you guys! Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reigning monarch in British history. Currently, she has been reigning for 67 years! Personally, I’m from the USA, but still think this is amazing! 
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,110 Sweet Legend
    Thanks for sharing @Joseph45 Since I am from Europe I actually knew this but I am sure there are a lot of people like you who will find this amazing. It is indeed!
  • MiaChristine
    MiaChristine Posts: 3,328 Legend
    She just celebrated her 93 Birthday 🎂 

    The Queen was born on April 21 1926; However her birthday is officially celebrated in June every year. This celebration, referred to as the Trooping the Colour, is a moveable feast – in 2019 it is to be celebrated on June 8 

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