OK - I promised some pictures - here are some photos from the Amazon: (that's a Piranha) (that's an Anaconda - the kids are doing a semester abroad in Peru)
That anaconda is amazing @bearwithme. Wow. Same with the giant lily pads. And the monkey (?) Looks like a stuffy toy. 😍 Thank you for posting pictures and letting me see these things with you! 🤗
Glad you both enjoyed them @firebombmarkus and @wafercookieflippers. That adorable monkey is a Tamarind monkey and a group of them were hanging around the lodge where we stayed, always looking for a hand out. They are the smallest of the monkey family.
I have a few more pictures to share later this week or next weekend. 😊🤗
We should definitely add a WOW button on the Community! Thank you for sharing this with us @bearwithme, it looks so peaceful and beautiful (maybe not so peaceful with all these animals that can kill you😜 - Thanks for not sharing spiders pictures! Haha!). How was it? Was it the first time you were there? What did you like the most?
Have a great time! Can't wait for more pictures of your adventures!
Here are a few more pictures from the Amazon and don't worry @QueenMia - no spiders! In fact I didn't see any while I was there - plenty of different ants and other bugs including a centipede, but no spiders.
Just looking at the scenery in a local wood dugout boat One of the forest giants in the Amazon I'm not sure what this little guy is... A fisherman pulling in his catch A monkey pod tree
Wow, wow, wow!! Thank you so much for sharing, @bearwithme!! It looks absolutely wonderful! I can't believe you haven't seen any! You must be lucky or they don't like you... Can I join for your next trip?! 😜
And I also wanted to share with you some pictures I took last weekend - It's a place called Montserrat and which is 1 hour drive away from Barcelona. It's gorgeous!