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Olivia loves her morning routine

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited April 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

Mr. Toffee  loves his little Tiffi,  but he worries about her because she spends so much time helping people.  In her free time, she writes messages to recount her adventures and puts them in a bottle to send to her sister Kimmy.  She is about ready to leave the candy shop to take another bottled message with her when Mr. Toffee stops her in her tracks.  He tells her that he needs her help.  The washing machine is not working, and the clothes are piling up, so he asks Tiffi to please take the clothes to the laundromat.  There she encounters Olivia who is a pink octopus and wears a sailor hat.  

Olivia is adventurous, tough and a great multitasker.  She likes bracelets and is a marine biologist.  Her morning routine involves a spin in the washing machine.  In the Wafer Wharf episode, Olivia is encountered with her broken boat that Tiffi offers to fix.  Tiffi completes her task of fixing the boat with bubblegum.  In the Sprinkle Sea episode, Olivia gets entangled by a seaweed and Tiffi shows up to help her disentangle.  In the Research Reef episode, Oliva wants to study about sharks, but she is afraid to take a look at the drawn shark closely.  Tiffi gives her a shark hat so she can blend in safely.  In Candy Crush Friends Saga, she appears as one of the protagonists and gets a re-design.

Jimmy gets stuck so let’s see how Tiffi can help him here.

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