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It's time to stop Jelly Queen!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited April 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

Just ahead of them Jenny and Tiffi  see Jelly Queen helping Rancid jellify a monkling.  This is their chance to catch her off guard.

“Jelly Queen enough is enough!” exclaims Jenny.  “I heard that Rancid was helping you jellify everything in Cotton Candy Clouds, but you are so greedy.  Doing this here isn’t enough for you?  So, you told Rancid to head on over to Soda World and start causing damage there too?  Tiffi and I are going to stop you, once and for all!  We are now Superheroes and our powers are much stronger than yours.  Take that and here’s some red jelly for both of you!”

Tiffi started throwing the red jelly cubes to Jenny.  As Jenny caught them, she targeted Jelly Queen and Rancid.  Alright!  Jelly Queen looks stunned because she doesn’t expect to see so much red jelly coming towards her.  It didn’t take the two Superheroes long to really stun her.  Jelly Queen and Rancid realize that they are being outwitted so she tells Rancid that they have to give up.  Then she tells Jenny that there is going to be a change of plans.  Rancid will no longer go to Soda World  and they will just concentrate on jellifying  the monklings and pufflers here.

“It worked!” Jenny says.  “I knew that my plan would work.  I know Jelly Queen so well and it really feels good to outwit her.  Now it’s time to head home.”

Tiffi spends the evening with Jenny.  She calls Kimmy to let her know that there won’t be anymore green jelly splotches in Soda World.  She tells her sister what they both did and goes into full details.  Tiffi sleeps over and the next morning she gives hugs and kisses to her friend and says goodbye.  As the reader of this story, did you expect this?  Let’s read the end of the story here .

If you arrived here, you might want to start with the beginning of the story

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