This is for you from all of us

Nat09 said:How can I explain how much I appreciate what the Candy Crush team means to me. I have a rare brain disorder and suffer from severe chronic pain 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I am unable to work and some days get very long, so besides the fact that it gives me something to do and people to play with, the most important thing Candy Crush does for me is gives me some time ( even if it’s only one minute) away from my thoughts. When you suffer from chronic pain you need something to escape the thought of always hurting and that’s where you guys come in, that’s what you offer me, a chance to escape the pain for a bit and I can’t thank you enough for that. Thank you so much, Happy 1st Birthday, Nathalie
QueenReineer said:Hi! I'm so glad to be the first to say thank you! For the hours of entertainment, for joining the family during several minutes a day ( you achieved the incredible task of making my daughter (25) and my son (22) "befriended" me in Fb, and we play at the same time once a day, so that we give and receive lives! Also , although I've played many many games, it Is the first one where I see young people being so nice to each other, kind and helpful. I must also thank Queen Mia and the rest of the staff for being so patient, explaining matters, and always on the alert for anything that players may need. I am really happy to be part of this community, and it Is my favourite way to let my mind be calm and in a wonderful, sweet world of fantasy, where even real people are respectful of each other. Hope u understand my English! Regards to you all! 🙋🏼♀️
DoubleB423 said:What an amazing adventure it has been to get this far since 'launch day'!! A big thank you to everyone at KING for their dedication, creativity, hard work, and joyful spirit! I was raised to treat the janitor with the same respect as the C.E.O of the company. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank EACH AND EVERY PERSON INVOLVED!! My sons love the game, and so does my spouse! (Who is due to have a new addition to the 'pumpkin patch' on Oct 28th! I am positive he will be swiping candies as soon as his little hands can point a finger out to swipe with!
From our home to yours, this coming holiday season(s)- Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year, Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate!!
Now.... Time to get that elusive racoon!!
BeeBop2nd said:Happy Anniversary! I must admit that I thought people were simply "wasting time" playing the game...until I began to play, and it wiped away the stress of the day so effortlessly. In November, my only child ( grown) was injured in an accident, not only paralyzed from the neck down, but had MANY complications that devolped and he fought for his very LIFE for the 1st eight months! Needless to say, I lived in the hospital this year, sleeping in a chair, and the days are UNSPEAKABLY long. Your games helped me to decompress by mindlessly playing level after level. Prayer, and your games were my solace from complete insanity. This may sound "Cheesy" to some, but when life throws a punch that takes your very BREATH away, you become thankful for ANY distaction from the pain...and for me, it was a small respite to play the games. Small pleasures mean EVERYTHING when you walk thru the darkest days you could imagine. And I am still playing, And will be! The hours are still extremely long, The days seem endless. But we have survived since mid November, and plan to get back to our hometown soon. Many Thanks!!!
GranBarb said:I'm not a young anymore. I've had 2 major surgeries on my back & now live with chronic pain. I have other health problems, too. I only say that 'cuz that explains why I have trouble sleeping. Candy Crush Friends helps make my "bad" nights more bearable.
I found this King community by accident & have spent a lot of time reading & writing here. I think it's great to have a place to ask questions, get answers, play in the contests, & just feel a part of a group of people all over the world!
Thank you for the great games ❤️ & for being able to be a part of this group of amazing people!
Happy Birthday, CCFS! You make some bad nights, not so bad & I appreciate it more than I can say!
Chichic2468 said:Hi everyone. This is actually my first time posting in this forum. I have been playing Candy Crush Friends since this Summer 2019. It was actually around my birthday. I love the inter-activeness and freshness you see with this game. It's honestly addictive, but in a good way. I like that you get to pick among a wide array of characters, and you are actually able to determine what character is better for a certain type of game. I feel like I am actually able to learn what the best methods are for winning the game instead of just mindlessly playing like I find myself doing when it comes to a lot of other games. I would like to congratulate the King Company, and all of my fellow Candy Crushers for making it this far and actually creating a loving family around these group of exciting games. I wish Candy Crush Friends many more anniversaries and I hope this game continues to thrill people for many more years to come.
snowbrenkay said:Hi I'm Brenda, I've been playing this game for some time now and I just love these games saga, jelly, Soda and now the friends. These games keep my mind intact, due to dementia that I can get from my mom. I now am raising 3 of my challenging grandkids that we adopted plus taking care of my boyfriend's sister that has down syndrom since 2004 when their mom passed of cancer. I'm a very busy person, now with health problems with alot of surgerys I've had and more to come. You see these games take my mind off of my pain and puts me in a different world that I can't explain with joy of playing your games I will always play these games years to come. I'm on level 1653 soda, and saga Candy crush 2699, plus Jelly 1007, and now I've just started the candy crush friends game. You see I can't stop playing this one as well. I love these games and winning the free bars will help me on some hard levels.
Sofia1992 said:Hello everyone,Although I'm one of the newest members here in this community, I would like to open my heart and express my own feelings for this amazing game but first let's start on how I found this game :All it started with the renovation of my house this Summer (July actually) and cause of that, I had alot of anxiety cause I wanted that renovation to be done in time before August comes so to go for holidays.Cause of that, I wanted a game to clean up my mind plus I wanted an offline game (cause in my village, we don't have wi-fi hotspots or internet generally) in order to have fun in my afternoons and nights.So, after a big thought and searching in the internet, I found the ultimate game...Candy Crush Friends Saga.Oh yes...I found it along with Candy Crush Saga and Candy Crush Soda Saga.From the moment that I discovered those games, I loved them a bit and every one of them for different reasons.But Candy Crush Friends Saga was unique...very unique.I loved everything from it. From its 3D graphics until its characters and its levels which some of them were very easy while others were hard...very hard.But one of the reasons that I love this game was that it taught me a lot.It taught me how to be more patient, how to think more and find hints on my own in order to solve those levels, how not to give up but to keep on no matter how hard a level can be and also, it taught me that it's ok to make mistakes in a level cause you can try again and trying something new like a new level is good.Thanks to that, I had better mood those days, less anxiety and I finished the renovation of my home in no time so I would like to thank those amazing people who created this game, @QueenMia who is a great community manager and along with the superstars of course like @Foley1362 , @mysticalmysty , @PummyRaj , @firebombmarkus and @Elsawho helped all of us and listened our feedbacks all this time so to make Candy Crush Friends Saga, the sweetest and the greatest game of all the time.And also, I'm very grateful that I recently discovered this community and made new friends here too.For me, this community is like a second home and I can't wait to meet even more friendly people here and I can't wait to help more and more people so to become a superstar too one day!So, Happy Birthday to Candy Crush Friends Saga and to the people who gave all their heart and soul for this game and I want to thank this game for giving me so many great memories these three months from the day that I started to play it.From beating up my first levels until the hardest ones which took me few tries to pass them but it worth a bit cause the victories were sweeter than ever and I had more confidence for more and more challenges which were waiting for me up ahead.And from the characters and the boosters that I selected until now and don't forget and the gifts and the lifes that I've got from my friends too.So, Happy Birthday Candy Crush Friends Saga and thank you for everything!!!I'm so glad that I played you even if I discovered you a little late!Still, I'm so glad that I enjoyed you until now and I can't wait to enjoy you more and more every day and I can't wait to see more and more improvements and features and other characters from the other Candy Crush Games too!![]()
Yummyfini said:When my husband and I first started dating we would have Candy Crush competitions. We had so much fun trying to pass each other on the levels. After awhile, marriage, kids and just life had us putting off the competitions. We just recently decided to add the fun back in with Candy Crush Friends and it has been a nice boost to our relationship. It's a great way to spend time together. So, thank you and Happy birthday!
Christopher_Mauldin said:@QueenMia and the entire Candy friends teamHappy Birthday and thank you for giving use atruly epic 1st year of deliciously good gamingit's been a truly Devine experience candy crushfriends saga is the best game yet and you guy'sare totally #1 in my book i really enjoy playingplease keep up the good work I'm expectingloads more sugartastical surprises to comein year 2 knowing how marvelous you all are