On my device, tablet mediacom m-sp10mxb, that game it's practically unplayable! - Crash randomly and close himself - lag and all it's entire slowly - all other app and some other king game, like pet rescue, it's not present this similar issue
how it's happened? it's a bug? or something similar?
it's a very general thread. all solution suggested it's so generous not really useful to resolve my issue. after days and days.... this specific king games it,s continue and still unplayable on my tablet. i repeatedly. it's a mediacom tablet... m-sp10mxb. there's no update and i'm already installed the latest rom present on mediacom site. there's no exist custom firmware or similar and i can't do nothings for make better situation.
i have also made a hard reset recently...i reinstall the latest rom by a pc. after the hard reset... i reinstall the game but nothings it's changed... crash over crash over crash and over over crash. simply games unplayable on this device.
ah... the storage it's avaible 6gb avaible... no apparently app runned in background but crash over crash.