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All characters respond to phone messages

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited April 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

Return phone calls start coming in and Tiffi goes over her list. 

Looks like everyone has responded so she will contact Jenny now to let her know.

“Hi Jenny,” says Tiffi.  “How are things going on over there?  How is your uncle doing?  Kimmy and I finally heard from our phone messages and we now have a list of who can participate and who can’t. 

Papa Pear cannot make it.  He is in the middle of a Papa Fiesta.  Blossom is still not sure yet because she remembers that she has something going on that day but can’t remember what it is.   She said that she will call back with a definite answer, but I am not going to count her yet.  Diggy can’t make it because he has more digging to do but he promises to be there at our next event.”

“I heard from my call backs,” Jenny says.  “Pepper and Sheldon can’t make it.  They just got a new batch of peppers in and they have to get them ready for the next players.  Dixie and Dubby can’t attend either because the bathtubs are overflowing with soapy bubbles and they have to find out if something is clogged.  So, what’s our next step?  Did you get a food list together yet?”

Let’s find out what food they will be serving here.

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