Hello everyone.
Welcome to ‘Analysis, Theories and facts of our favorite Candy Crush Characters’ with me, the great Sofia1992.
In this cool and amazing discussion, we will gonna as the title says to analyze our favorite Candy Crush Characters and to find out some very cool theories and facts about them too.
All these that I will gonna write down now, it will gonna be based on my opinion but if you want to share and your own opinion, you can write it down in comment section too.
As I promised and without any delay,
let’s start with our favorite protagonist to all of us Tiffi.
(Don't forget to mention that this tribute has three parts cause it's a big one)
*Part 1-theories, Part 2-facts and Part 3-analysis about her outfits in CCFS*

Tiffi, the sweet but tough at the same time girl, protagonist in Candy Crush Saga and Candy Crush Friends Saga.
Always ready for sweet adventures in Candy Crush Kingdom along with her awesome friends in her side.
So, first things first.
Let's start with her appearance and personality:
As we know all know, she is a 6 year old girl with blonde hair and actually two pigtails and she wears a red bow, pink dress and pink shoes.
And she is very very short at all but that doesn’t mind Tiffi at all.
Now about her personality, I would describe her as helpful, cheerful, adventurous in positive and in negative ones, naive, reckless and very very sensitive.
As you all can see from her personality, she is very a great girl. She always help the others, no matter how far away they are and without to ask something in return.
Tiffi as a small girl that she is, she has a lot of energy inside her and seriously everyone, when all of us were in Tiffi's age, we all had the energy and we all of us went in adventures,
explored different, new places made new friends and even did reckless things without to think them too.
Seriously, Tiffi represents all of us in young age plus I think that she represents and the kid that we still have inside our heart (without lies all of us have grew up now but sometimes,
we want to do things like when we were kids so Tiffi is here to remind us that.) And that even if you become adult, sometimes, it's good to encounter life with positive energy and smile like Tiffi does
in the most situations.
Nice job Tiffi! Thank you for reminding us how great is to be a kid.
Ok...Since we analysis her personality and her appearance, it's time for something cooler.
As all of us know, Tiffi is a 6 year old girl who used to live in New Jersey with her older sister Kimmy.
Everything is good right now and everyone knows that she ended up in a Candy Bag in Mr. Toffee’s Candy Shop but the biggest question is how and I repeat how she ended up in Candy Kingdom since she lives in real world like all of us?
Also, don't forget to say that in Candy Crush Friends Saga's description, it says that she accidently arrived at Candy Kingdom by a portal.
So, another question is how that portal appeared in Tiffi's world?
Mmm...It seems that you have and many more questions here about it.
Don't worry, I will solve your questions about it so take a seat and let the mini-story begin (based of my own theory/version of this story)
'Once upon a time, Tiffi and Kimmy used to live in a big apartment in New Jersey. One day, they were bored and they were searching what exactly will gonna play.
After a big thought, Tiffi had an idea. To explore the attic cause as they both remember, in the end of the attic, there was a huge box with toys on it.
Since they both agreed, they climbed the stairs and went to the attic. Attic was an old, dusty and a little dark place but with many surpsrises.
In the attic, there were old things that you could image and it was like a storage.
As the girls walked though the attic, Tiffi’s eye catch something in the corner. It was an old board game. A game about Candy Kingdom.
But before those two, open the box completely, a strange light appeared from this game and a big portal dragged them with force before they ran away.
As Tiffi and Kimmy, both scared, started to fall down and down though the portal and ended up in Candy Kingdom. They fell and fell until…they both fell in small, soft jelly like rocks.
After their fall, the two girls looked with sursprise in their eyes around. Everything in Candy Kingdom were made of every kind of Candy you could imagine.
Hyper and excited at the same time, they decided to explore this new world.
After alittle walking into a path and climbing a small cliff, in the front of their eyes, they noticed the wonderful Candy Town.
Both girls were so happy andd they were very curious to explore this little Town.
After climbing down the cliff and before walking into Candy Town, Tiffi’s curiosity appeared again when in the corner of her eye, she noticed a big red Bag.
Tiffi wanted to open up the bag so much and despite of Kimmy’s warnings not to touch it and open it, Tiffi as usual did the opposite thing and opened the bag.
The bag was full of Candies and it was time since both girls started to feel hungry from their adventure.
Tiffi went inside of the bag first and started to eat to try those candies while Kimmy although resisted first, she decided to joined her sister too.
Tiffi was very happy that they both found something to eat and she decide to share their favorite milk chocolate together.
Although Kimmy resisted at first, when she noticed that Tiffi’s wanted to share her chocolate, she tried it as well and it was delicious.
Few seconds later, the bag had been tightened up but the girls were so focus on eating part that they didn’t notice that someone carried them in Candy Town and as the time passed,
they ended up in Mr.Toffee’s Candy Shop. Mr.Toffee was excited for getting new more Candies cause he could be able to fill up the jars and sold them in the whole Town.
But as he opened the Candy Bag, though the candies, he found Tiffi and Kimmy there too.
Mr.Toffee got sursprised first and after he took out from the Candy Bag the two girls, he asked them their names and how they ended up in Candy Kingdom.
After Tiffi and Kimmy introduce themselves, they explained to Mr.Toffee how they ended up in this world.
Mr.Toffee got very excited and he took the biggest decision that changed his life forever.
To raise Tiffi and Kimmy as their own kids and teach them everything about Candy Kingdom until one day to find a way to go back in their own world.
The two girls agreed happily about Mr.Toffee’s decision (to stay and explore Candy Kingdom and to have Mr.Toffee as their adoptive father) and that’s how the story ends.'
Well, that was my own logic version about how exactly Tiffi and Kimmy ended up in Candy Kingdom and meet Mr.Toffee.
Nice story huh?
Before to continue, I had to mention two things about my own version of this story:
1) When Tiffi opened the old board game, it was true one and not in my mind. It was based from a Youtube video which when Tiffi met Mr.Toffee in Candy Town,
she tells him that from one moment he opened an old board game and in the other moment, she ended up in Candy Kingdom while she was in New Jersey.
2)Based on one of CCFS’ facts, Tiffi’s arrival in Candy Town cause an event called ‘The Great Scramble’ and cause of that event, a portal in Candy Town appeared.
Also, according to Inka, the Game Designer of CCFS, she says that On the day of the great scramble, Tiffi fell into the Candy Kingdom
from a faraway world triggering the ultimate board game mash up catastrophe.
Many characters who were from neighbouring toys and board games like Yeti, Nutcracker, Odus, Misty and so on
fell into Candy Kingdom cause during the Great Scramble, many portals opened in human world.
That's why the game CCFS in Tiffi's description says that Tiffi brought chaos into Mr. Toffee's orderly world.