Hi everyone. Welcome to 'Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters.
Well, the time that all of you waited has finally come. To analyze her outfits in CCFS. So, let's begin!!!
In Candy Crush Friends Saga, Tiffi is the first character that we have in the game and as always, she is very very ready for sweet adventures as she is searching for her friends out in Candy Town and in the way, she helps us the players with the levels.
Her new ability is that Tiffi can create Swedish Fish out of thin air! Just match 10 red Candies and she and her fishies will help you, cuz' that's what friends do!
When the player collects 10 red candies, Tiffi will pour a bucket of water with three fish, then change three random red candies to red fish candies.
If there are not enough red candies on the board, Tiffi will change random colored candies to red fish candies.
And Tiffi appears in all kind of levels: From 'Free the animals' levels until the 'Dunk the cookies' levels.
Now about her outfits:
Tiffi right now has 7 outfits in total (Only three can be unlocked from the game while the other four from events only)
One thing to mention is that Tiffi's costumes, 5 of them (except from Astronaut and Football Costume) are based on animals.
Vampire Tiffi->bat
Tiger Tiffi->Tiger
Pig Tiffi->Pig
Dragon Tiffi->Dragon
And Turkey Tiffi->Turkey
And now it's time to analyse them and tell you my opinion about them:

Tiger (15 stickers) -> Unlock this outfit from the game
Tiffi's Tiger costume is the first one that you will get in the game.
It's a very very wild one costume and as Tiger, Tiffi is ready to show what a real Tiger can really really do.
This costume is perfect especially for beginners who just start the game.
Costume's Variety: Rare (***)
Special Move Animation:
While waiting for her candy to be finished collecting her paws of her Tiger costume will glow and she is poised to pounce. She will scratch the board when she gets her candy.
Victory Dance:
In her Tiger costumer she will hop back and forth as she turns around then gives a playful roar.
Astronaut (100 stickers) -> Unlock this outfit from the game
One of my favorite costumes in whole game.
Tiffi as astronaut is such a cutie one.
So cool and very perfect for her.
I hope she is ready to explore the moon soon.
Costume's Variety: Epic (****)
Special Move Animation:
In her Astronaut costume Tiffi will pull out a ray gun and let it charge as her candy are collected. She will then shoot the board with a laser beam.
Victory Dance:
She dances with her elbow sticking out and bent with hands hanging down swinging.
Dragon (150 stickers) ->Unlock this outfit from the game
A powerful one costume plus Tiffi gains flying ability when her candy meter fills up.
Cool one for pro players.
Costume's Variety: Rare (***)
Special Move Animation:
Tiffi will sprout wings in her dragon costume as she waits to spits green fire onto the board once her candy is collected.
Victory Dance:
For her dance she will flap her arms for a bit then roars.
Vampire (50 stickers or 20 stars) -> Available in 2018 Halloween Star Chaser event)
A very rare costume and only appeared in 2018 Halloween Event.
Cool and very creepy at the same time costume.
Costume's Variety: ???
Special Move Animation:
Tiffi the Vampire will make a creepy pose waiting to do her special move. When she gets all her candy she will turns into a bat and drop her candy on the board
Victory Dance:
Her Vampire costume dance is to flail her arms to the side and jump alternating crossing her feet and spreading them out.
Turkey (35 stars) ->Available in 2018 Thanksgiving Star Chaser event
Another rare costume in this game.
Cute and funny costume at the same time.
I hope noone chase her down with that costume though.
Costume's Variety: ???
Special Move Animation:
When Tiffi is wearing her Turkey costume she sprinkles candy corn on the ground and pecks at it while waiting for the last 3 candy to be collected.
Once she has all her candy she spits the candy corn onto the board.
Victory Dance:
For her Turkey costume dance she claps her hands repeatedly and steps with her feet.
Pig (100 stickers) -> Only available during Chinese New Year Costume 2019
Like Tiffi's Turkey Costume, Tiffi the Pig is a nice one.
If some of you are from Japan, then you will gonna enjoy this costume so much.
Costume's Variety: Rare (***)
Special Move Animation:
Chinese New year Themed Tiffi pulls out a giant firecracker and lights it. The firecrack goes off when all her candy has been collected.
Victory Dance:
For her victory dance in her pig costume she does a tranditional Chinese dance.
Tiffi the Soccer Player Costume-> Only available during Womens World Cup 2018
One of the rarest costumes ever in this game and it's the hardest one to be obtained in your collection.
According to the creators of CCFS, your next chance to obtain that legendary outfit is in 2023.
So, you have to wait until then, in order to get her.
Costume's Variety: Legendary (*****)
Special Move Animation:
Bounces ball on knees the kicks to the board.
Victory Dance:
Kicks ball then does a victory dance as if scored.
Ok...Now since we analyze and her outfits and how great are in my opinion, it's time for the second half of this part which will gonna be and the last one for Tiffi:
On how useful Tiffi is in the five modes on CCFS.
Stay tuned for more!