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Fun facts about different things (inspired by the game world)

Ashraf Posts: 9,026

Hi my Candy Crush FRIENDS🌹

Here I will collect Fun Facts about various things (these things are inspired by the game world), for example, Fun Facts about chewing gum inspired by "Bubblegum Troll" . Or, as another example, Fun Facts about cows inspired by "Yeti the Cow" outfit ... and so on.

. Let's start with...

Bubble Gum Fun Facts: 

🔴 Chewing on gum while cutting onions can help a person from crying.

🔴 September 30th and February 15th are National Chewing Gum Day.

🔴 The color of the first successful bubble gum was pink because it was the only color the inventor had left. The color “stuck,” and today bubble gum is still predominantly pink.



  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,026
    edited March 2020

    Bubble Gum Fun Facts

    🔴 Swallowed gum won’t clog up your intestines, but it will be with you for a few days. Gum base can’t be digested so it will pass through your system in one piece.

    🔴 Singapore has tried to completely forbid gum, with heavy fines of over $6,000 for possession or use without a prescription.

    🔴 Studies have shown that chewing gum actually helps people concentrate and may improve long-term and working memory. Chewing gum has also been shown to reduce muscle tension and increase alertness.

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,026
    edited March 2020

    Bubble Gum Fun Facts

    🔴 Chewing gum burns around 11 calories per hour.

    🔴 Chewing gum on an airplane will keep your ears from popping. Chewing gum makes your salivary glands produce 250% more saliva than normally, so you swallow more. This helps balance the pressure in your head.

    🔴 In the U.S. alone, the total amount of chewing gum sold in one year would make a stick 3.5 million miles long. That’s long enough to reach the moon and back seven times or to circle the earth’s equator 150 times.

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,026

    Bubble Gum Fun Facts: 

    🔴 The largest piece of bubble gum ever was the size and weight of 10,000 regular pieces and was presented to baseball player Willie Mays by the Topps Chewing Gum Company in June 1974.

    🔴 Back in the 1920’s, prohibition increased gum sales because people needed to mask the alcohol on their breath. When prohibition was enacted, Adam’s Clove gum hit the market with the slogan: “It takes your breath away!”

    🔴 Humans are the only animals on earth that chew gum. If you give a monkey a piece he will chew it for a couple of minutes, then he will take it out and stick it to his hair.

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,026

    Bubble Gum Fun Facts: 

    🔴 Kids in North America spend approximately half a billion dollars on bubble gum every year.

    🔴 100,000 tons of bubble gum is chewed every year all around the world.

    🔴 Chewing bubble gum is said to keep one from crying, as it reduces stress and helps in concentration.

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,026

    Bubble Gum Fun Facts

    🔴 Sixty to 70 percent of bubble gum is sugar. 

    🔴 Scientists found a 9,000-year- old wad of chewing gum in Sweden.

    🔴 The average American chews around 300 sticks of gum in one year.

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,026

    Fun Tiger Facts

    • The tiger is the biggest species of the cat family.
    • Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3 metres (11 feet) and weigh as much as 300 kilograms (660 pounds).
    • Tiger cubs leave their mother when they are around 2 years of age.

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,026

    Fun Facts about cows.

    • Cattle are herbivores that eat vegetation such as grass.
    • Cattle stomachs have four chambers which help break down what they eat.
    • There are well over 1 billion cattle in the world.
    • Cattle are sacred in India.

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,026

    Fun Facts about [cows] :

    🔴 There are an estimated 300 million cattle in India.

    🔴 Young cattle are generally known as calves.

    🔴 Adult females are generally called cows.

    🔴 Adult males that are not castrated are generally called bulls.

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,026

    Fun Facts about [cows] :

    🔴 Cattle are red/green color blind.

    🔴 In the sometimes controversial sport of bull fighting, bulls are angered by the movement of the cape rather than its red color.

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,026

    Fun Facts about [cows] :

    🔴Cattle are farmed for a number of agricultural products including meat and dairy products.

    🔴Meat from adult cattle is known as beef.

    🔴Meat from calves is known as veal.

    🔴Cattle trained to be draft animals are known as oxen (ox).

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