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The Wonders of Spring

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited March 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Tiffi is fascinated at all the beauty around her. But it’s now time to go home. As soon as she walks inside the house she calls Kimmy to let her know about the first signs of spring that she has found.

“Kimmy, I hope that I am not disturbing you,” Tiffi says. “I left the house to help the players with their levels and I noticed so many first signs of spring. The geese are flying home in a V-shape formation. I looked up migration on Google and it’s really fascinating why they do it.

“Migration can be triggered by a combination of changes in day length, lower temperatures, changes in food supplies, and genetic predisposition. For centuries, people who have kept cage birds have noticed that the migratory species go through a period of restlessness each spring and fall, repeatedly fluttering toward one side of their cage. German behavioral scientists gave this behavior the name zugunruhe, meaning migratory restlessness. Different species of birds and even segments of the population within the same species may follow different migratory patterns.” (More here)

We have to get together real soon because I would love to share these wonders of spring with you. Can you come here this weekend?“

Kimmy says that she is not too busy so she will head on over to Candy Town first thing in the morning. Tiffi plans on creating a list of some things that the two sisters can do together.    She looks at her phone and no messages. That’s surprising that the players aren’t seeking her help. She is going to head on home to start her list.

It doesn’t take her long to complete her list and she can’t wait until she sees her sister tomorrow. She comes up with three ideas.

List of spring wonders - Next time you are on a walk, bike ride, or even a car ride, make a list together of all of the signs of Spring you can see, hear, or smell. 

 Fill the Feeders - Set up several different kinds of bird feeders and with various types of feed near a window at home or at school. Notice the different types of birds that visit the feeders.

 Get Muddy = Don’t let the mud keep you from going outside! Designate a pair of “muddy shoes” for the season. Tromp through the mud and feel it squish beneath your feet.  These ideas came from here

When was the last time that you did these things?

 Time to get dinner ready because her father will be home soon.

 Let's continue with the next part of our story – Best part about spring

Start at the beginning of the story – Springtime in Candy Town


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